Saturday, July 08, 2006

One in five British Muslims is a traitor

Should Islam fall under government control? asks Bill Levinson over on Israpundit

"The militant Muslims keep accusing Jewish-Americans of dividing their loyalties between our country and Israel but the truth is that the militant “Islamic” camp is full of fanatics whose primary loyalty is to their perverted version of “Islam” instead of the countries they happen to infest. “7/7+1″ in the July 7 Wall Street Journal says that 7% of British Muslims believe that suicide attacks against Britain can “sometimes” be justified, while another 20% believe it is acceptable to attack the British military. These individuals are traitors to the United Kingdom and they should be removed or imprisoned as such.

The article adds that a full 37% support violence against British Jews for being Jews. In other words, one in three British Muslims is what the Duke of Wellington would have called the scum of the earth minus the redeeming possibility of being molded into a fine fellow by the British Army, but we cannot conclude that they are disloyal to England itself.

After all, even Ku Klux Klansman who lynched Black people were loyal to the United States despite being common criminals and the lowest dregs of American society.

One in every five British Muslims is, however, an outright traitor to his or her country and is worthy of nothing more than death, imprisonment, revocation of British citizenship when appropriate, and/or expulsion. England’s government should get back on its hind legs and join the United States in taking out the trash."

But as Bill knows one of the reasons why the neo-Left in Britain and Ireland cover for the Islamofascists in Britain and Ireland is because they, the neoLeft and Provo republicans, support the same Islamofascists of the "Palestinian" movement.

These figures given above are the result of polling which although may be a little out either way are usually taken as accurate. So we should accept them as accurate.

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