Wednesday, July 05, 2006


One of the most loaded terms is “settler” and “settlements”. It is used all the time by the BBC and the Guardian and it has the same connotation that was given it by the Northern Irish poet Tom Paulin who asserted that all Jewish settlers should be murdered, as in “shot dead”.

It has the connotation that this is “Palestinian” territory and that Jews are “settling” this territory and they are colonialists and they are even imperialists, often the jargon that the neo-Left uses to describe the Jews of Judea..

There are two big problems with this line of thinking. One is where were all those nearly a million of Jewish men, women and children, Jewish families, who post-48 and especially post-67 found themselves expelled by ever more and more anti-Semitic ARAB governments, where were they to go to and “settle” down to live less precarious lives? After being expelled from THEIR homes in Arab countries, where they had lived for over a thousand years in most cases, albeit under Islam as Dhimmis!

Second how can a Judean settle in Judea!!! How can a Judean colonise Judea!!!

But what happens if the situation is turned around. I mean what if the majority of those present members of Hamas, Fatah and all are not in actual fact, real historical actual fact, not “natives” themselves. What happens if the majority of the present “Arabs” are not from that neck of the woods at all but have moved there (to Palestine) from elsewhere, from another neck of the woods, such as, for example, Syria. Who then are the settlers!!!

But, yes, I know! This does not answer why the label “settler” was stuck onto only the Jews of Judea and not onto the others by organisations such as the BBC and the Guardian. Anti-Semitism anything to do with that, I wonder?

Gerald A. Honigman, writing in Israpundit on July 3, 2003, had this to say about precisely this phenomenon:

Ironic Ignorance
by Gerald A. Honigman

As part of Israel’s current campaign to send a message to Hamas over the capture of one of its young soldiers and the daily terror and attempts at terror its citizens have been subjected to, Israeli jets buzzed Syria’s president, Baby Assad, in his summer home in Latakia.
Assad has given refuge to Hamas leaders, such as chief honcho, Khaled Meshal, and the Jews dropped in to say hello.

A few days earlier, Arabs kidnapped and murdered another Israeli teenager…one of those Jewish settlers they and others like to speak of. I mean, after all, how dare a Judean (Jew) live in Judea…

I couldn’t help but note the sickening irony here…though most of the rest of the world surely didn’t.

Hamas’s patron saint, Sheikh Izzedine al-Qassam, was also from Latakia.

Like scores of thousands of other Syrians, he too poured across the border…Arab settlers setting up Arab settlements in Palestine. The Records of the League Of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission and other solid documentation noted these migrations as well as those of many other Arabs who arrived from other countries then and a bit earlier as well. Arafat was born in Cairo.

The sheikh became Hamas’s hero by butchering Jews, many who were refugees themselves from Syria and elsewhere in the “Arab” world. But while the sheikh and his buddies would become known as native Palestinians, Jews would be labeled “settlers.”

There is no doubt that many of Hamas’s current members–those who specialize in terrorizing Jews–are from families as “native” as their murderous sheikh.

As has been noted often before, so many Arabs were recent arrivals themselves that when the United Nations Relief Works Agency–UNRWA–was created to take care of Arab refugees created after the Arab attempt on Israel’s rebirth backfired in 1948, the very word refugee had to be redefined to accomodate those who had lived in the Mandate a mere two years.
Yet the message of all of this is lost to virtually all. Or perhaps worse…I’m convinced that many simply don’t want to know the real story here.

And, buying right into the Arab line, the media and others will simply continue stressing “settler” when reporting the next Jewish kid murdered by…Arab settlers.
As if it really makes any difference to Arabs which Jew they kill.

One thing’s for certain, however…
Bombing empty fields and creating sonic booms aren’t going to fix this problem.
Those who commit murder and terror as well as those who support them must be taken out en masse. Just ask President George Bush…virtually his own words.
Nothing short of this will work.

And the Jews better wise up.”

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