Friday, December 02, 2011


What will happen if the Iranian Government is able to produce Nuclear Bombs?
Will Iran armed with Nuclear Bombs be a threat to Israel and Jews?
Is there a parallel to draw from Iran with a Nuclear Bomb to Hitler using state power to murder 6 millions of Jews?
In relation to Iran and its production  of Nuclear Bombs many people are closing their eyes and are shutting out mentally the repercussions of Iran with a Nuclear Bomb (remember most likely plural) . Is there a parallel to the refusals of both Chamberlain and Stalin to face up to the true intent of Hitler and His Nazis as the 1930s wore on and advanced towards War and The Holocaust of the Jews?
Jeremy Clarkson has “threatened” British workers with being taken out and shot in front of their families. While Clarkson was more or less letting his mouth run away with himself yet he is truer to the future than he may himself realize. British workers will be shot by the British ruling class in the not too distant future as the crisis of capitalism envelops all.
British workers need to waken up to what the British ruling class (the cruellest ruling class in the world) has in store for them. But British workers remain trapped behind trade union leaders that are racist and anti-Semitic. In fact the Unite Trade Union leaders who are out for the scalp of Clarkson are the most anti-Semitic of all, appearing on platforms with certain anti-Semites.
The main lesson of history as far as The Holocaust is concerned is that very few Jewish people understood the terrible dangers that the Nazis were to them, before the event, which is the only time that mattered.
The reasons why Judaism, which is a wonderful and fulfilling religion, is not equipped to lead the Jewish people in the face of the threat of Fascism, which always has within it the component of anti-Semitism. This is the contradiction which keeps repeating itself. Judaism is a great religion, which is not only a religion but is also the national liberationist movement of the Jewish people, but this Judaism cannot lead by itself to providing the safe Homeland and place of spiritual security. Only the Socialist Revolution by defeating Fascism and all forms of Anti-Semitism can secure that Jewish Homeland. But Judaism leads workers and Jewish people against the socialist revolution. A contradiction which in order to solve must be first of all accepted and stated.
The huge significance of the Protest Movement in US, London, Ireland and Spain. These are mainly youth who are badly affected by the world capitalist crisis. The leadership of these Protest Movements may sometimes be anti-Semitic, having imbibed the Arab Palestinian narrative, yet the content is the capitalist crisis, and it is also the capitalist crisis which will cause a grave threats to the Jews just as it did in the 1930s, and following the Wall Street Crash of 1929.
Objectively speaking Jews, and these youth who are propelled into political activity, no matter how inadequate that political activity may be seen to be, are indeed allies. But subjectively this is not the case. There are examples of Jewish leaders who are very prominent in the Jewish blogosphere who are attacking these youth. Nothing could be more destructive to the Jewish cause than such attacks on anti-          capitalist youth.
To return to the issue of the Nuclear Bomb which Iran prepares Jews are in great danger from the Iranian Nuclear Bomb, an immediate danger, which the Jewish people using its hard fought for state must try to defend itself by means of destroying physically that bomb making capability. But that is not the only thing.  Fascism was the creature of a lumpen proletariat allied with a frenzied middle class. The middle class was made frenzied by the capitalist economic crisis. These patterns are repeating today. This is the fundamental danger to Jews and they come from a capitalist system in terminal crisis.
The issue for all socialists, and for all well-meaning people who think of themselves as socialists, ia without any question the issues of the Jews, the defence of the Jews against modern anti-Semitism, which is taking a different form today, but is more deadly still. So to be a true socialist today the starting point is defence of Israel against world anti-Semitism. If they do not defend Israel they are not even at the starting gate.  
The struggle for the theory of knowledge which is dialectical materialism is fundamental in all human revolutionary activity. Man is both a creature of his environment but also is an active agent on that environment. Man must be understood historically and not from the stunted and stultifying position of religion, with its static outlook on man and his possibilities. Consequently and following this theme on the shoulders of revolutionary man today rests the future of the whole of nature, and indeed of the planet. There can be no happiness of a real and lasting nature for man outside of acting from that perspective.
4international, also printing isill.blogspot, is alone on the left in unconditional defence of Israel. That is fact. We are first of all in unity with Israeli leaders and with all Jewish people. Inside that unity there is a necessary conflict because we are dialectical materialists. That is OUR philosophy. Anti-Semitism is like a giant and very nasty bully. The Jews are the victim. Every step back that the victim takes from the bully the bully feels deep down in his psyche vindicated. But the appetite of the bully for cruelty is never sated by this step back by the victim. The bully becomes worse.
Why do Jews keep stepping back from the bully? This is because Jews have learned from bitter experience over an awful long time that resistance to the bully can make things worse. It became a mechanism for survival.
This stepping back also brings into some focus the historical corruption of Judaism as a philosophy by the Greeks and Romans, cultures which are heavily promoted by capitalism, and which led to historical Christianity, which became such a scourge on the Jewish people.
The problem for modern Jews is that going back to ancient bible teachings is only a part solution for Jews because this has the ingrained problem that these ancient scriptures cannot address the modern state of mankind in an historical manner, it can only address the modern state of mankind in a scriptural manner. To recognize fully, and to understand fully, the modern nature and state of mankind needs rather the science of dialectical materialism. This is the contradiction. In order for Jews to have a resting place, to have a place free from anti-Semitism where they can practice their ancient religion and culture, requires a leadership based on the science of dialectical materialism.

(we will fill out the headings above and publish next Friday)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Habibi, who writes for Harry’s Place, is by far the best researcher and chronicler of the links between British Labour and the forces of Anti-Semitism.
Of particular note to 4international which Habibi features heavily in this article is Sameh Habeeb who was linked to a man called Peter Eyre, who was featured very heavily on the radio station called "Talk Radio Europe", speaking on that radio station many, many times, invited on first of all by the radio station organizer Stephen Gilmour, a Scottish man who once worked as an organizer for Guinness, and also invited on by a man from Waterford, Richie Allen, who once worked as a reporter for a Waterford radio station. It has to be emphasized that Peter Eyre was a VERY close associate on the Palestine Telegraph with Sameh Habeeb. So what goes for Sameh Habeeb can safely be said to go for Peter Eyre, his close associate on Palestine Telegraph.

As Habibi describes Habeeb below:
Sameh Habeeb is also the hate publisher who set up the “Palestine Telegraph” website in early 2009. Let’s recap a few episodes from the record:
- Praising Gild Atzmon’s “courageous” new book and ludicrously comparing Atzmon to Salman Rushdie.
- Publishing an antisemitic video by former KKK grand wizard David Duke. This proved too much even for Jenny Tonge, who resigned as a patron of the Palestine Telegraph.
- Publishing a ridiculous story about Israelis stealing organs in Haiti after the earthquake.
- More organ theft poison pieces on Ukraine and Israel.
- Running an article claiming that World Wars 1 and 2 were both Jewish plots.
- Promotion of Holocaust denier Fredrick Toben.
- Running a piece by the racist Khalid “Kikes” Amayreh where he argues the USA is far more evil than Osama Bin Laden.
- Marking Holocaust Memorial Day by publishing a revolting Israelis-are-Nazis screed by Gilad Atzmon.

Leaving aside the close connection of the associate of Sameh Habeeb with Peter Eyre, and the appearance of this Peter Eyre so many times as a guest of the radio station Talk Radio Europe, the great strength of the research by Habibi is showing how the British Labour leaders and the British Trade Union leaders are so close to figures like Sameh Habeeb. Also covered by Habibi are the anti-Israel positions of a man who is actually Jewish, Kaufman, who is much hated by my many Jewish friends in Israel. This raises the most serious issue of Jews who are actually Jew Haters and who do such damage on the international scene to Israel. 4international is committed to paying much attention to these Jew Haters.


Sameh Habeeb and Labour

Sameh Habeeb was one of the promoters of the Palestinian Return Centre’s UK tour of Norman Finkelstein.
Habeeb has worked for the Hamasniks of the Centre for some time now. Memorably, he invoked “Frankstineine”, as he called Finkelstein, as a Jewish fig leaf in 2009 when people criticised the PRC for inviting the Hungarian neo-fascist Krisztina Morvai to one of its London conferences.
Here they are at a PRC event in 2009.

Sameh Habeeb is also the hate publisher who set up the “Palestine Telegraph” website in early 2009. Let’s recap a few episodes from the record:
- Praising Gild Atzmon’s “courageous” new book and ludicrously comparing Atzmon to Salman Rushdie.
- Publishing an antisemitic video by former KKK grand wizard David Duke. This proved too much even for Jenny Tonge, who resigned as a patron of the Palestine Telegraph.
- Publishing a ridiculous story about Israelis stealing organs in Haiti after the earthquake.
- More organ theft poison pieces on Ukraine and Israel.
- Running an article claiming that World Wars 1 and 2 were both Jewish plots.
- Promotion of Holocaust denier Fredrick Toben.
- Running a piece by the racist Khalid “Kikes” Amayreh where he argues the USA is far more evil than Osama Bin Laden.
- Marking Holocaust Memorial Day by publishing a revolting Israelis-are-Nazis screed by Gilad Atzmon.
- Threatening legal action against “Nothing British About the BNP” when it criticised Habeeb for his role in inviting Krisztina Morvai to a London conference of the PRC.
- Publishing another Israelis-are-Nazis slur and an absurd terrorism denial piece by Mahboob Khawaja. No wonder Khawaja engages in terrorism denial: his own son, Mohammed Momin Khawaja, was convicted in 2009 of taking part in the UK fertiliser bomb plot.
It’s no surprise to find Finkelstein mixing with Habeeb. Or to see Stephen Sizer recommending the Palestine Telegraph. Others, one must hope, will see Habeeb for the horrible extremist that he is and steer well clear.
Labour has, er, not done very well there. Here’s Habeeb with some of the usual suspects.
Jeremy Corbyn, at a PSC meeting:

Martin Linton, at a meeting in Parliament:

Andy Slaughter was at that Parliamentary meeting too:

Here’s former Labour MP Neil Gerrard with Habeeb and a PSC group outside Parliament:

At a demonstration with Linton’s wife Sara Apps, a PSC activist, while carrying “Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East” placards:

In this demonstration picture you see Tom Charles (second from right). He is an organiser for Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East.

That’s bad enough. But it goes higher. Here is Habeeb with Ken Livingstone at another PSC meeting:

And Ed Miliband at a Fabian Society event:

Note the repeated appearance of the PSC in these events. This is yet more evidence that the group just can’t get enough of extremists.
That show too goes on. Three Labour MPs will welcome a PSC delegation to Parliament later this month.

Sir Gerald Kaufman having a fine old time with Hamas. The man to Haniyeh’s left is Majed Al-Zeer, the general director of the Palestinian Return Centre.

A series of comments to the above:
““But……..but……we are now repeatedly assured in these comments that modern anti-Semitism is a creation of the” Right, “only the” Right “and nothing but the” Right.
Shurely shome mishtake??”
Shurely, you see those can’t possibly be Labour MPs standing shoulder to shoulder with these Hamas terrorists and their shills such as this Habeeb jew hating asshole.
And what’s this!!!
The Leader of the LABOUR party standing with this ardent supporter and propagandist of the Islamic theocratic fascist terrorist group Hamas.
If that was a Tory party leader would they too get the “stare at your shoes” treatment?
The Leader of the Labour Party is posing for a picture with a proven supporter of the Hamas terrorist group and proven supporter of virulent anti Semites.
No no no, that’s not a back bencher wearing a milliband mask, you can’t dismiss this as being just another insignificant Hamas loving “eccentric” labour MP being typically far leftist.
That’s the LEADER of you party!!
Some come on, let’s hear it, let’s hear the explanation.”

(Second Comment)

The aspect of this post that has not featured in previous posts is the blurring between PSC on the one hand and the Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East on the other.

(Comment 3)
Is that Fiona Edwards with Habeeb and Livingstone? Might not be. But if so, she is further left than SWP. What is Livingstone doing with her? Thought she was Galloway aligned.

(Comment 4)
If some Jews themselves support Hamas and other semi-hamas support groups, when can’t others like Ed Milliband and Kenny boy? And look at Gerald Kaufman, doesn’t he look dandy with keffiyeh draped over his shoulders.
In the land of the blind…

(Comment 5)
Wasn’t it Martin Linton who set up Labour Friends of Palestine & the Middle East?

Friday, November 11, 2011


Luthuanian, the ANTISEMITIC "clubber", with Iran Bomb the Holocaust is with humanity again

4international begins a vital new series on the Iran Nuclear Bomband its implications

Kenneth Timmerman was interviewed by Linda Grant last night on the Spanish Radio Station “Talk Radio Europe”. Ken absolutely left in no doubt that Iran is developing Nuclear Bombs in order to strike against Israel. Ken made many points during his interview (His mastery of the facts was so impressive) but the main point he made was at the end, not taken up and developed by Grant, when he emphasised that in Iran we are not dealing with a leadership which is based on REASON, referring to the belief by this Islamic leadership that the arrival of the Twelfth Iman is due, and will be hastened by the chaos involved in Nuclear War with Israel. He repeated over and over the terrible threat that is posed by Iran to the Jews of Israel. He left no doubt whatsoever about this.

Although Grant is Jewish her conduct of the interview reminded one of a bad visit to the dentist and can ONLY be compared to pulling teeth. Timmerman got little help. The most telling factor came at the very end when Grant was bringing the interview to a close, and she stated something along the lines that “we can only hope” (her favourite saying on air is that she hopes things will “quieten down” and what she means by this saying which she applies to every situation is anybody’s guess!)

But Timmerman who was razor sharp during this whole interview reposted immediately to Grant that “hope is not a political programme”, and Grant did not take this up either, repeating some other meaningless jargon about hope brimming over something or other. There was a clear collision between Grant and Ken Timmerman, and I suspect it will be a while before Grant interviews Timmerman again.

I have had disagreements with Grant in recent weeks. She would not answer my question to her on air about the name (just the name never mind any discussion about the relevance) of Hajj Amin el Husseini. When the Timmerman interview was over two notable things happened. Number One there was no response from the Israel hating crowd of Brits who listen to this radio station…I mean none. I mean not a cheep. And into the bargain when I rang to speak and back up what Timmerman said Grant appeared to go deaf, because her phone at Talk Radio Europe rang about 20 times but there was no lifting of the phone at the other end. (I used the same mobile so Grant would have remembered the number, which has a distinctive number depending on area) in any case Timmerman spoke alone, no response from the Israel hating Brits, and this Irishman could not get through! That's about the length and breadth of it!

Make of all of this what you wish. My organization, 4international, says that Israel is in grave danger. It is a combination of the world anti-Semitism of all countries in the world, and especially European countries (Timmerman did deal with the huge trade between Germany (remember the Nazis) and Iran, a trade that goes on even as we speak)

Unlike Grant 4international do not believe this will be resolved by “HOPE”

Unlike Grant 4international will not allow any phone to go unanswered and we will enter into all debate on this issue. Whatever happens we will stand four square behind Israel, its Leaders, and the Jewish people in the testing hours ahead. More will follow on this theme in coming days. Stay tuned into and keep reading our articles which are archived on

Thursday, November 03, 2011


Archivo:Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1987-004-09A, Amin al Husseini und Adolf Hitler.jpg

People do not realise how far advanced are the plans to destroy Israel and how closely related to that destruction is the way that Muammar Gadhafi fell.

We had a glimpse of the reality that underlies the hypocrisy of the “News” as put forward by organs such as the BBC in all of the events that took place in Yugoslavia. Let me remind you that Serbs were beheaded by Jihadists and that Serbs were kept in a house/prison in Northern Albania and their body parts were actually harvested, which means that they were kept alive AS THIS WAS BEING CARRIED OUT
The barbarity of the “sacrificial killing” of Muammar Gadhafi is part of this whole process of a descent into barbarity.

The Jews are terribly divided and there are huge ideological chinks in their armour against the possible repeat of events 1939 to 1945.

The main thing is that the capitalist system as a system of carrying out and fulfilling man’s needs is bankrupt, and is as we speak causing the most widespread suffering, among youth in countries in the west like Spain, in weaker countries in Africa.

All of nature is threatened…not just man

Inside Israel Jews are horribly divided.

And on the outside there are Jews like Pamela Geller who on the one hand plays a leading role in opposing the barbarous and lying Islamic organizations in America, but on the other is attacking day after day, those youth both middle class and workers, who are taking to occupying areas as a protest against the ravages of capitalism.

This is very common. Jews News which does a very important job in Israel of mobilising youth to demand the rights for Jews inside Israel does not miss an opportunity either, like Pamela Geller, to attack Israeli youth who are effected also by the WORLD CAPITALIST CRISIS when they also venture to protest. Jews news should really be on their side.

This is the reality

Israel and Jews face the most vicious foes in Islam, and in all the various opponents such as Iran, such as Abbas and Hamas, AND INDEED ALMOST THE WHOLE WORLD AS SEEN IN THE UNESCO VOTE AT THE UN.

The roots of this Palestinian Arab movement quite simply lie in the Holocaust. THAT IS WITHIN LIVING MEMORY STILL.

Hajj Amin el Husseini was the Arab man who joined in with Hitler and who inspected personally the death camps as the Jews in those camps were being exterminated. He was also known as the Mufti of Jerusalem and he sat on the right hand of Hitler during those fateful years.

Abbas and Arafat were and are the descendants of Hajj Amin el Husseini.

Enter another force, that of the US Imperialists, and remember it was a US drone which struck the Gadhafi convoy, and also recognise that the US has built up the 23rd Arab State in the heart of Israel, and built up that proto state with an army, police force, money for industry, shopping malls etc.

At the same time Hamas has been given unending support on the island of Britain where Britain has been host to Hamas and to the most evil Jew Haters on the planet. Meanwhile the US also has been supporting Hamas in many ways, since it was Bush and Condi Rice who insisted that the election be held in which the Arabs elected on masse the Hamas Jew Haters. Ergo the 24th Arab State, this time sitting on the other side of Israel.

To the North is Hizbullah which again has been protected by the United Nations forces, including to my knowledge Spain. That is Spanish men and women have been out there protecting Hizbullah as rockets unending are brought openly into Lebanon.

So now we find that Israel is surrounded and it is reckoned 100,000 rockets are pointing at Israel.

Iran according to The International Atomic Agency is close to developing and testing the Nuclear Bomb. Iran already have the rockets to deliver.

Will Israel survive? Will the Jews as a nation in Israel survive?

How will Israel survive? How will the Jews as a nation in Israel survive?

BlandOatMeal on Israpundit:

23rd and 24th. Gazaland is a fait accompli, and Ramallah is already a separate quasi-state with its own military and its own foreign policy. The US already de facto recognizes Abbas as the head of a Palestinian state, with capital in Jerusalem: The US consulate in Jerusalem is for Arabs only, Jews excluded.
Too many Jews think they can cut out their own heart and give it away, and still live. Hevron, Beit Lechem, Beit El, Sh’chem, Jericho and East Yerushalayim — that is the Biblical, historical heartland of Israel. The rest of Israel is essentially the “Near Galut”, the shriveled, useless right hand of a dead Am Israel that has lost its soul.
Israel cannot be divided. End of story.
One more comment: “Stupid Jews”.
There, call me an Antisemite.

Monday, October 31, 2011







The government continues to enable humanitarian measures and general transfers of goods and services to Gaza, even as Gaza terrorists fire at Israeli civilians.

During the seven day period from October 21 to 27, a total of 1,285 truckloads crossed over from Israel, carrying 34,657 tons of goods, medicine and development assistance for Gaza’s civilian population. 365 truckloads of construction aggregates were transferred into Gaza during this period.

({{Information |Description=August 21, 2011 Israel transfers hundreds of truckloads of goods through the Kerem Shalom land crossing. Hamas continues to fire dozens of rockets into Israel, putting a million Israelis in the line of fire. |Source=[http://www)...Matanya

In addition, 831 tons of cooking gas were transferred into Gaza while 276 patients and accompanying individuals exited Gaza for medical treatment in Israel and 126 international organization staff members entered the Strip.

34 truckloads of hygiene products were transferred into Gaza last week as well as 64 truckloads of electrical products.



Ashdod Mayor Dr. Yehiel Lasri, whose city has been under a constant threat of rocket attacks, said on Sunday that the situation cannot continue and urged the government to take immediate action.
On Saturday, terrorists fired several Grad missiles at Ashdod. One hit a school which is usually used for Shabbat prayer services but was luckily empty at the time and no one was hurt. A second missile exploded near a residential building and thankfully only damaged the cars that were parked near it.
“This cannot continue for much longer,” Lasri told Arutz Sheva. “We cannot manage such a reality for more months and years. The city’s residents are complaining: Why is the State not acting? Why are a quarter of a million citizens at the mercy of a few minor organizations that decide when to disrupt our daily routines?”

While Lasri said that a ceasefire is good for Ashdod “in the short term,” he said that in the long term, more decisive action must be taken.
“We’ve been living like this since Operation Cast Lead, almost three years,” He said. “It’s unreasonable, it’s unacceptable, it hurts Israel’s sovereignty and we must reach a fundamental solution. The fundamental solution is quite obvious, I think. We need to form a good defense umbrella over the entire State of Israel, with additional Iron Dome batteries, with Magic Wand for a range of 70 kilometers, and go into Gaza and do what needs to be done. I don’t think there’s a clearer solution and it needs to be carried out within the next year.”



Shas chairman and Minister of Interior Eli Yishai delivered a message of foreboding to the Sephardi-hareidi religious movement's activist leadership Sunday, saying that he had trouble sleeping at night thinking about Israel's security situation.
"The nation of Israel is not redeemed except through making teshuva [finding G-d]," he said in a conference at the Kinar Hotel in northern Israel. "If we want redemption in this difficult and complex time… it is better not to say how complicated and how complex it is and how much sleep we lose over it."
"It's difficult to sleep at night when you know what is going on," said the minister, in an uncharacteristically dramatic statement. "Remember the Second Lebanon War, how many missiles there were – the entire North ran away. Imagine the North, Center and South… I do not want to scare anyone, but the missile array of Hamas, Hizbullah and the Syrians, the approximate number of long and short range missiles approaches 100,000 missiles. Try to calculate G-d forbid what that can do."
"And here, more and more people understand what we like to say – 'We have no one to trust except our Father in the Heavens.'"
Yishai also said that bureaucracy – especially legal bureaucracy – had taken over the systems of government in recent years in a way that made it nearly impossible for ministers to implement decisions and set policy


The city of Jerusalem has approved the construction of new Arab housing in one of the rare open spaces in the capital’s historic center. In addition, the city has given retroactive authorization to hundreds of illegally built homes.
The area in question is located in the “King's Garden,” adjacent to Shiloach (Silwan) at the southern entrance to the Kidron Valley. It is mentioned by name in Jeremiah and the Book of Kings.
Plans originally called for turning the area into a green park and preserving it as an historic treasure.
The project faces objections from several sides. Local Arabs are not pleased with plans to add housing, but instead have furiously rioted over plans to demolish 22 of the hundreds of illegally built homes in the area.


It is now Wednesday. Every day in today’s world of deepening capitalist crisis is more than a day as events are telescoped.

This is the reality. The Netanyahu Coalition Government is paralysed and is unable to act decisively against the enemy. But see the speculation on the article concerning Netanyahu plans to separate Gaza from Judea/Samaria, based on thoughts of a Gerome Slater, on Israpundit:
Felix Quigley says:
Military doctrine No 1
“In a war situation you have to win the ground on which the enemy stands and occupy it. Applies to Gaza and the hills of Judea and Samaria”

There is no alternative. This is the main lesson of the defeat of Muammar Gadhafi, his family and government in Libya

Lessons which have yet to be taken on board by the Jews of Israel!

Muammar Gadhafi made only the one mistake in his 42 years (42!) and that was to give up his nuclear military opposition and to enter into a deal with the US Government in order to fight against what he perceived as their common enemy, Al Qaeda.

But that left out the nature of an American and EU Imperialist regime (NATO) as it plunges into deeper crisis, that the US and EU are more than ready to join in an alliance with Al Qaeda, thus opening up a line of investigation which will throw light on 9-11 and will at the same time give a truthful accounting of 9-11 quite in opposition and distinct to the account provided by conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones.

What Jones leaves out is that it is an “ALLIANCE” – it takes TWO to make an alliance! The position of Jones is part of the degeneration of the Stalinists and Left Revisionists of Marxism, who preach that there is something in Islam which is positive and progressive, a thought which is a throwback to Mandel and Pablo.

But there is nothing positive in Islam at all.

The real nature of Islam emerged during the war in Libya where black workers were literally crucified, sodomized, hung up and cut up (literally, there are you tube videos of this from the earliest stages of the war), and as in Kosovo a regime of ethnic cleansing by Islam took hold. THAT was the nature of the alliance of US, British and French Imperialism in Libya, WITH ISLAM


The crisis of leadership is highlighted by the position of Pamela Geller.

Look again at the videos on her web, Atlas Shrugs:

These videos show the greatest barbarities known to mankind in its long millions of year’s history, since Lucy first stood up. The utter bestiality of this opposition to Muammar Gadhafi has not yet been taken on board.

The crisis of leadership surrounds Geller because NOW she is producing these videos which are showing the depths of barbarity among those who destroyed Gadhafi.


At every turn in this tragedy Geller was sticking the knife into Gadhafi and she was joined in this by Robert Spencer, who IS an expert on doctrinal Islam (and who can teach workers and youth much about Islam)

It is HYPOCRISY of course, but it is a hypocrisy which is rooted in the fact that Geller and Spencer are tools of the capitalist system, hence tools of the Imperialist system

That is why Geller and Spencer sat on the fence so much on the recent Libyan Imperialist/Sharia offensive that they now are sporting large bunions on their arses NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT AT ALL!

And there is also a large section of the Jewish/Zionist community leadership which was unable to break from Imperialism during this Imperialist/Sharia outrage in Libya over the recent 8 months. That is the most severe warning for Jews as they enter into decisive struggle.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Gadhafi ended as memorable fighter against "New World Order"


Qaddafi two

At the centre of this New World Order…Anti-Semitism

It is most noticeable that the virulent strain of anti-Semitism runs through the mass protests which are staged by a Leftist Fascist type leadership and which have attracted many millions of impoverished by the crisis youth, middle class as well as workers threatened with unemployment, loss of homes and poverty.

The dole queues are growing at an alarming rate, youth especially are hit badly by unemployment, the charities are overwhelmed, children are forced into sometimes near starvation and certainly under-nourishment, countries like Greece become inoperable.

Yes it is the crisis in the capitalist system which lies behind all of these events. The crisis in capitalism is what is coming to dominate in the lives of everybody on the planet.

And Nature too is threatened. Dogs are our closest companion in the animal world and dogs are more and more being abused, and millions are being abandoned, to be rounded up and gassed in huge numbers. Could this be a metaphor for our times? Capitalism in crisis will destroy our life on earth, all life on earth.

The rulers of capitalism are not stupid. They DO understand the depth of their crisis…Their system after all. They DO understand that the old forms of rule, often through parliamentary democracy, will not be sufficient to trick the workers and middle class people. They DO understand that they need to find an alternative method of rule.

The rulers of capitalism may not have a clear-cut plan as yet. They are groping forward. But some tentative steps have been taken.

The rulers of capitalism DO understand that Islam is one of the “ultimates” in repressive ideology and it was because of its repressiveness that Islam became an ally of the very worst barbarity that capitalism ever produced, which was the Nazis. Islam and the Nazis were at one in the Holocaust.

And remember my first point…Anti-Semitism is at and will be at the centre of the capitalist New World Order.

Now anti-Semitism is at the centre of the fake left leaders who project themselves at the head of the Wall Street and the “Indignado” Movements around the world. Anti-Semitism is also at the head of the whole of the US and EU strategy towards Israel (and the Jews because Israel is the National Homeland of the Jews) as they force Fascist Palestinism onto Israel and the Jews, and deny the Fascist Nazi roots to Palestinism (Hajj Amin el Husseini being its founder) Now also anti-Semitism is at the very centre of the Arab so-called Spring, which is shown clearly in that Mubarak and Gadhafi have had the Star of David imposed upon their images in Islam article features, and where Egypt has become the centre of operation for Hamas, and where Libya cannot tolerate the presence of ONE Jew and ONE synagogue.

All of these facts are well known and yet this aspect of these recent events has been well and truly buried.

This means that there is a vast unspoken conspiracy afoot with anti-Semitism at its very centre.

This IS the New World Order.

Haile Selassie also was a religious dictator and a political despot. And although forgotten today Haile Selassie was a big issue in politics in the 1930s. As a despot should we defend Haile Selassie against the Mussolini invasion and against the Nazis?

Whether or not to defend Selassie unconditionally against Imperialism, then in the form of Italian Imperialism? For Leon Trotsky there was only the one answer and it had to be immediate and almost instinctive:

“When Italy attacked Ethiopia”, Trotsky later explained, “I was fully on the side of the latter, despite the Ethiopian Negus for whom I have no sympathy. What mattered was to oppose imperialism’s seizure of this new territory.”

Similarly with Muammar Gadhafi and his Government! Gadhafi was fighting a war essentially against NATO, which was and is the New World Order. It was impermissible to stand on the side-lines. It was impermissible not to seek to educate workers, youth and middle class people being hit by the capitalist crisis that this also was a matter of deep principle.

For us as Trotskyists it was essential that Gadhafi win, defeat NATO and defeat the “Sharia becoming” human dregs that followed NATO in Libya during the recent months.

The murder of Gadhafi is a metaphor in fact for the whole war. Without NATO these human dregs were useless. They could not fight. Time after time we all know they stuck their bums up in the air, ran up the road a bit, ran back down the road again, prayed again and waited until NATO planes directed by the SAS on the ground pounded the Gadhafi forces. Only when everything was a rubble could this human dross actually win anything!

So after a memorable resistance in Sirte the Gadhafi car column was hit by NATO planes, reduced to zero, it is a miracle how Gadhafi emerged alive looking at the footage of the wreckage, THEN the brave souls moved in to kill the defenceless leader, with following lying narrative of course.

These followers of Mohammed do not fight actually. They allow NATO and the New World order to do the fighting for them. Sarkozy and Cameron are obliging and Obama is a Muslim man essentially.

The Empire and the New World Order plan to rule by means of Sharia!

A great site...a great article...see

Related in a very specific way...see





The real nature of a capitalist/imperialist system in crisis was on display in the murder of Muammar Gadhafi. I mean “on display”. This horror show, worse than the worst most bestial piece of horror film you have ever seen, was flashed through into every home and kitchen in the world. And it was forcing all human beings to take a side.
More is at stake than Libya…much more. But Muammar Gadhafi and company, essentially his tribe, did something very important. THEY FOUGHT! This for Jews means that THEY FOUGHT while Noam Shalit crawled on his belly in front of the Hamas Jihadists, and Netanyahu and the whole of the Israeli ruling elites (only 3 votes against remember) crawled even more, and this is a great portent of the future.

This is the New World Order. In this New Order there is no place for independently minded Jews, those kinds of Jews who fought the Roman Empire to a stand-still. The NWO needs a new type of Jew, one which is subservient. If Jews will get on their belly and grovel in front of Hamas they are welcomed “into the parlour”.

That means for Obama and Rice stripping Israel of its Nuclear Arns weapon. Gadhafi made many decisions in his long political life and a few were wrong but many were right. Gadhafi was RIGHT to arm the IRA late 60s and early 70s to fight against the British Army Gorillas terrorising Ireland. RIGHT again to break decisively from the Provos and Adams when the latter embarked on an anti-protestant campaign of killing, as he did after “Bloody Friday” and other sectarian bombings. Gadhafi was RIGHT to spurn the Nazi Fascist Slavery promotion of the Arab League and embrace Black Africa. Naturally the blacks loved him, especially the Black poor. The Arabs hated with a vengeance. Gadhafi was RIGHT to try to give the tribes a voice in the revolutionary committees he set up everywhere. Gadhafi was RIGHT to create a universal Health and Education service free for all. Gadhafi was RIGHT to provide nearly free petrol to Libyans. Gadhafi was RIGHT to pioneer an aquifer water system as the 8th wonder of the world. Gadhafi was RIGHT to strip the veil away and employ strapping young girls as his bodyguard, and what a statement that was. You see the growth of the Al Qaida in the world was fatal for Gadhafi.

And Gadhafi made some mistakes all right, but only the one mistake that he could not pull out of. That mistake was that he made a deal with modern Imperialism, and especially with Britain and America. That was the mistake that led to the horror of Misrata in the past few days. Perhaps he was growing old and listened too much to others. But this is a mistake which may have a glorious ending yet, but not in Libya, where there is now a Fascist dictatorship in power. As in 1933 the deed is done and once the Fascists are in power it is no simple matter to overthrow them. There will certainly be a tribal war but it is no small matter for a tribe to gather the leadership (brain) to dislodge the Muslim theocrats, as Iran has showed us.

Action in this world must be taken BEFORE and not after the event. Speaking in an interview in 1933 Trotsky allowed his mind to range over the issue of democracy and dictatorship and how one can give way under certain conditions to the other:

“Do I consider the group of fascist dictatorships (Italy, Germany) and the quasi-Bonapartist (Poland, Yugoslavia, Austria) episodic and temporary? Alas, I can’t make mine such an optimistic prediction. Fascism isn’t provoked by a psychosis or “hysteria” (this is how salon theoreticians like Sforza offer consolation) but by a profound economic and social crisis that pitilessly eats away at Europe’s body. The current cyclical crisis has done nothing but render the morbid organic processes sharper. The cyclical crisis will inevitably cede its place to a conjunctural reanimation, though it will be to a lesser degree than that expected. But the general situation of Europe will not get much better. After each crisis the small and weak enterprises become even weaker, or completely die. The strong enterprises become even stronger. Next to the economic giant of the United States a Europe broken into pieces represents a combination of small enterprises hostile to each other. America’s current situation is very difficult: the dollar itself has bent the knee. Nevertheless, after the current crisis the international relation of forces will change in favor of America to the detriment of Europe.
“The fact that the old continent as a whole is losing the privileged situation it had in the past leads to an excessive exacerbation of antagonisms between European states and between the classes within these States. Of course, in the different countries these processes have reached a different level of tension. I think that the growth of social and national contradictions explains the origin and the relative stability of the dictatorships.
“In order to explain my thought permit me to refer to what I had the occasion to say a few years ago on this question; Why do democracies give place to dictatorships, and is it for a long time? Let me give a literary quotation from an article written February 25, 1929.
“It is sometimes said that in this case we are dealing with backwards nations, or those lacking in maturity. This explanation is barely applicable to Italy. But even in cases where this explanation is correct, it clarifies nothing. In the 19th century it was considered almost a law that backwards countries climb the steps of democracy. Why then does the 20th century push them onto the path of dictatorship? Democratic institutions show that they can’t bear up under the pressure of contemporary contradictions, now international, now internal, most often international and internal at the same time. Is this good? Is this bad? In any case, it’s a fact.
“By analogy with electrical technology democracy can be defined as a system of switches and insulators against the too-strong currents of national or social struggle. No era in human history has been as saturated with as many antagonisms as ours. An excess of current is increasingly being felt in parts of the European network. Under too much pressure from class and international contradictions the switches either melt or blow up. These are the short-circuits of dictatorships. The weakest switches are obviously the first to fail.
“When I wrote these lines Germany still had a Social-Democrat as the head of government. It’s clear that the subsequent march of events in Germany – a country that no one can consider backwards – has not been able to shake my appreciation of the situation.
“It’s true that during this time the revolutionary movement in Spain a (sic) swept away not only the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, but also the monarchy. Contrary currents of this kind are inevitable in an historical process. But internal equilibrium is far from being realized on the peninsula beyond the Pyrenees. The new Spanish regime has not yet demonstrated its stability.”

It is certainly NOT about oil in Libya today, or not just and essentially about oil. The old revolutionary committee idea of Gadhafi failed to withstand the challenge of Jihad, and above all failed in conditions where a west was becoming more sympathetic to Jihad in all its forms (The alliance is deep and progressing, whether it is Bush and the Saudis, or Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood). According to William Engdahl there is a global unity in all the actions of the US and EU (NATO) on the world stage, from the colour “revolutions” in Ukraine, from the Jihad in Yugoslavia and all the lies, to the so-called Arab Spring.

The old forms are no longer sufficient to hold the masses as they are severely affected in their daily lives by capitalist monetary crisis, essentially a crisis of credit built up since 1945.

The powers that be are seeking new forms. Mrs Clinton said “We came, we saw, he died” and that is the new form. A new form also was the shenanigans of Bill over the cigar. How outraged Mrs Clinton then was. But on making the remark above she handed the Blackberry back to close friend “Huma Abedin” who is really, really close to Hilary
Oil is a small matter in these affairs. What matters is POWER, hence the nature of Mrs Clinton’s initial reaction in words about seeing and killing on the murder of Gadhafi.

There is a re-arrangement of the world’s affairs taking place.

What is clear is that Israel must hold on, and make it crystal clear that it will use, its nuclear weapons.

Will the Israeli ruling elites be prepared to take action and stymie the Iranian nuclear threat? That may not be possible with new party leadership in Israel. To do that means to go against the US and the EU whose chosen partner is Muslim Brotherhood, is theocratic regimes preferably Mohammedan, which as Hitler recognized were the most savage in tooth and claw, to which barbarity even the Vatican tends to play second fiddle in these recent days.

I do not know. I cannot be sure if the present Israeli leaders will mount a strike, essentially also against US and EU interests, or if Iran is destined to have the Nuclear Bomb. I suspect they will but even so everything still depends in Israel of new party and new leadership.


Obama has set the stage for his big prize.

"I understand those who protest that some countries have weapons that others do not. No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons. That is why I strongly reaffirmed America's commitment to seek a world in which no nations hold nuclear weapons. And any nation - including Iran - should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. That commitment is at the core of the Treaty, and it must be kept for all who fully abide by it. And I am hopeful that all countries in the region can share in this goal." -- President Barack Hussein Obama, June 4, 2009


This Associated Press report is factual and the facts speak loudly, and the facts will continue to do so, with the sounds of chop, chop not far away, as the Islam gathers force and confidence in Libya

I simply disagree with those who suggest Cameron or Obama are crazy, i believe they want this as a method of repression. That is more believable and logical than that they are misinformed etc.


BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Libya's transitional leader declared his country's liberation on Sunday, three days after the hated dictator Moammar Gadhafi was captured and killed.
He called on Libyans to show "patience, honesty and tolerance" and eschew hatred as they embark on rebuilding the country at the end of an 8-month civil war.
The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.
"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Abdul-Jalil said new banks would be set up to follow the Islamic banking system, which bans charging interest. For the time being, he said interest would be canceled from any personal loans already taken out less than 10,000 Libyan dinars (about $7,500)....

AP contradicts itself: Sharia law is the basic form it says, yet this gives an Islamic tint. The expressions basic form and giving a tint are contradictory in meaning

In essence Islam does not do things like "giving a tint". Sometimes where Muslims are a demographic minority it (the Jihad) may tread cautiously. But this will not be the case in Libya where Islam has achieved state power on the basis of murder and brute force supplied by Cameron and Obama.

There is just no question about that. The only question that arises is whether these leaders, and their huge state machines, have somehow stumbled into this situation in a ham-fisted manner

It cannot be a mistake. There is such a long list of the capitalist west lining up with Islam, think Indonesia as one of the early cases, then above all think Bosnia-Herzegovina, think Kosovo and even the organ harvesting of Thaci, think also the new "Palestine", remember No Jews Allowed, always there is this ethnic cleansing, and above all Libya with the ethnic cleansing of blacks, and to come tribal ethnic cleansing, a hell hole.

The reason the "left" in Ireland does not wish to discuss Libya in any detail is because they have long ago sold their souls to "Palestine" and the ethnic cleansing by Islam in Palestine {Think here of Judenfrei gaza and also recent statements by Fatah leaders insisting that their state must be free of Jews} is no different say to the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo.

{For an example of how sections of this fake left view Israel, and how the Protocols of Zion rubbish is rampant in the fake left, view the end comments in}
(see note 1 below)

This is all under the support of the US political ruling class, and of course the British (who have always had a working alliance with Islam and Sharia ever since the "Great Game" a policy directed against Russia. Russia is still the target")

One other point: This idea of making Zionism out to be a bogey man in the left is such utter nonsence. That is just in the end protocols of Zion anti-Semitism.

Zionism is the need for the Jews to have a Homeland and why should Jews not have a Homeland when the Arabs have 22 "Homelands" and surround tiny Israel.

THAT is why Israel needs Nuclear Weapons and there is no point in having Nuclear weapons if not prepared to use them to defend itself.

In everything the fake left is writing about Libya it is leaving out any understanding of Islam, seeks to hide the nature of Islam, seek to hide the anti-Semitism which is inherent in Islam at all levels

Jews have got to waken up. The US and Western Imperialism are not on their side, they are on the side of Sharia. Sharia is a very effective method of repression and they wish that to be effective.

(Note 1)

oh boy, felix...

The reason Iran is tooling up nukey is the fear of Israel's rogue stance and ambiguity re its arsenal. Israel has the region terrorised into martial idiocy, and all to the nefarious purposes of the imperial axis of WASPish NATO&Co.
If israel were to call for mutually assured common human renunciation of these barbaric instruments of mass destruction that threaten us ALL progress can yet be made, but I fear you express the sentiments of a sectarian zionism incapable of percieving our common humanity and interdependence, the root of all religious teaching, till us hominids start dogmatically applying them.
To threaten their use is to descend into the Nazi bunker and embrace Hitlerian nihilism.. not I think a Jewish precept, certainly not overtly anyway, in my experience.

As for gaddafi's demise, if you see Islamist, rather than Zionist, puppeteering, I suggest you change your Troskyist paranoid shades, before you give yourself a psychological hernia.

Further: your apparent adulation of warrior virtues indicates that your deity is Mars, rather than Yaweh. Make up one of your minds, before you incinerate the screen altogether.

Oh, and Adolf was right( from a social justice point of view) in many of his policies. It was his Aryan racism poisoned the brew and led him to the self-certainty of the horrors he released. That can be repeated, under a star of David, with equal barbarity, if Israel fails to wake from its racist self-certainty and embrace humanity(in every sense of the word)rather than its current PRIMITIVE tribalism. Shalom.