Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Pogrom after pogrom after pogrom. Massacre after massacre after massacre. There was never a century since the time of Christ that the Jews have not suffered a genocide.

This is a nation of people who were forced to leave their Homeland and forced to go on the run. But with the help of Judaism and their wish to return Home they held their nationality intact, and their nation intact. It is the oldest national aspiration in the world.

All of this, not just the Nazi Holocaust of 1939-45, is what led to the formation of Israel.

But the ideas were put forward long before, in the Balfour Declaration, and in the ensuing League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.

In this the area which is now Jordan, and all of the area which is now Gaza, the “West Bank” and present day Israel, ALL OF THAT AREA was set aside as a Homeland for the Jews. It was quite explicit. In this area there was no provision for an Arab state, much less a “Palestine” state (The Arabs of that area had in actual fact NEVER addressed themselves as “Palestinians”)

There WAS a clause which guaranteed the social and religious rights of minorities.

But in 1920 why no Arab state in this area! Was that not unfair then!

We have been so conditioned by Arab and EU dhimmi Arab propaganda in our time that it DOES seem strange.

That shows the power of lies. The Arabs have performed a lying miracle, a veritable tour de force in the field of lying propaganda. But if there is a will it is not all that difficult to combat.

History is not just a matter of bare facts. The good teacher of history has always been able to make history live for his students.

So it is necessary to be able to understand the thinking of Balfour and the thinking of the Great Powers as the First World War ended and the map of the world was being (necessarily) redrawn.

The Arabs were being treated incredibly well out of all of this. Vast new tracts of land were carved out of the Ottoman Empire and the Arabs became the rulers of a vast expanse of territory. And what was being created for a Jewish Homeland was about a five hundreth of that total.

But still the Arabs were not happy with that 500 times as much as the Jews. They began to campaign against the JEWISH state and indeed the Jewish presence. They began to mobilise in that underhand and stubborn way (and even a brilliant way in the most evil sense) around the idea that Zionism equals something pernicious etc. It was a rewrite of The Protocols.

In fear of this and to pacify these Arabs the British then took a fateful decision. They decided to cut the mandated territory of Palestine drastically and it was thus that Jordan was created out of 90 per cent of that Jewish designated land. And as the years went on and with the arrival of Herr Arafat it was as we now know to become even worse.

The British, under Churchill no less, imagined that if this large area of Transjordan was carved out, placed under Arab sovereignty, instructed that not a single Jew could ever set up home there, then all Arabs would gravitate to this Arab state, or perhaps all Arabs who simply did not like living with Jews in a Jewish state.

Talk about bending over backwards! If only every group could enjoy such consideration in life – such as the Kurds.

Now (we are in the very early 20s) you have to begin reckoning with Arab Jew hatred as a vital ingredient in the mix. Churchill was not a fool, and he recognised it, but he like most everybody else underestimated it.

What happened has got resonances today in what George Bush proposes with his Palestinian (terror) state.

As if things were not complicated enough they were to become more so. Churchill was no anti-semite, he was a friend of the Jews (despite his horrible decision in creating Transjordan). In no time at all Balfour began to write that he was being sidelined by a strong pro-Arab and strongly anti-Jewish majority in the British Government located mainly but not totally in the Foreign Office.

Now began the career of Hajj Amin el Husseini.

This thuggish and uneducated member of the Arab landowning class in Palestine was promoted by the British, initially as part of their divide and rule reflex, later as a conscous policy to stop the hated Jews in their tracks.

The British, as racists and as Empire Advocates would have instintively hated the assertive nationalism of the Jews, the oldest national liberation movement in humanity. You can easily appreciate how the narrow minds of these British badly educated and pompous officials would have worked.

The British can never recompense the Jews for their treachery.

The British ruling class have been and will be for eternity the worst enemy of the Jews of Palestine. And as we talk today about dhimmi, and ever more dhimmified Europe, we should understand that the British ruling class are the worst of the worst.

How ironic, if you are Irish, that the modern Provos of Ireland should surpass the British in Jew hatred!

It is a sign of a real national liberation movement that no matter the setbacks they never give up on their hopes. The Jews at every opportunity were prepared to compromise and make their dreams live.

Rather than being racists, the Jewish nation showed that they were prepared to help to make life better for the resident Arabs.

But it is a strange thing, that the more successful the Jews were in developing industry and the land, the more Arabs flocked into the area from surrounding Arab countries, and set up home in Palestine. They came with greed in their minds and murder in their hearts.

These immigrants into Palestine were taught from the cradle that Palestine was Islam land. That created their mindset. It was quite the opposite as say when the Irish took the boat en masse to America.

The Jews have never ever been able to deal with this Islamofascism psychologically. Why not?

Unlike some researchers I do not think that the main reason Jews have found making this switch in their thinking difficult is not in the long Diaspora, but in a more tangible reality. Certain specific political theories and tendencies were introduced into the Jewish body politic.

It is a fact that the early leaders of the Jewish people returning to Palestine were people of the Left. This is where the difficulties began because these Jews of the Left had emerged out of serious political struggles in Europe and they were deeply effected and implicated in these.

Most of this left was either from the Stalinist camp (a specific political tendency) or from the social democratic camp (also a specific political tendency)

These two tendencies already had a certain political history tucked under their belts and it was not at all a pretty history, involving the Soviet Union and all its horrors, it involved the often overlooked murder of Leon Trotsky (a political opponent) in Mexico in 1940, it involved absolutely pivotal and huge betrayals allowing dictators and fascism to come to power in Germany, France and in Spain (The pivotal Spanish Civil War).

Take that Spanish Civil War. The Stalinist faction supported by the Social Democrats carried out a campaign of character assasination through propaganda, blocking free discussion, persecution of opponents and liquidation on a large scale of opponents. The masses in Spain were defeated and suffered a long exodus of their own, many ending up in the Nazi Concentration camps along with Jews.

In horse-racing parlance that early Israeli leadership had form, nowadays mysteriously disregarded.

Those who had escaped from these neoLeft political tendencies were not necessarily of the Right, they were not necessarily pro-capitalist at all, but they had managed to escape the neo-Left dogma. So you have principled figures like Jabonitsky and Begin.

People like this were not of the Right. Remember what I said about that campaign of vilification of opponents that had taken place in Spain (just a few short years before).

Better really to call them realists, free thinkers, patriots in the Jewish cause, not biased against Judaism. Call them anything except rightists. Because if you do that you are actually playing into the Stalinist propaganda (again please remember Spain).

By the way it was out of there that the Dir Yassin hoax emerged which I will cover in another article.

If you are a person brought up in (for the sake of example) the Canadian, or American, educational system, following the prescriptive course of some educator, who may be not that bright anyway, this may be a different way of looking at this history (if they look at it at all). But this Israeli “Left” did have a history. One of their tricks was to place labels on their opponents. These labels have stuck and our views on history have been distorted.

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