Habibi, who writes for Harry’s Place, is by far the best researcher and chronicler of the links between British Labour and the forces of Anti-Semitism.Of particular note to 4international which Habibi features heavily in this article is Sameh Habeeb who was linked to a man called Peter Eyre, who was featured very heavily on the radio station called "Talk Radio Europe", speaking on that radio station many, many times, invited on first of all by the radio station organizer Stephen Gilmour, a Scottish man who once worked as an organizer for Guinness, and also invited on by a man from Waterford, Richie Allen, who once worked as a reporter for a Waterford radio station. It has to be emphasized that Peter Eyre was a VERY close associate on the Palestine Telegraph with Sameh Habeeb. So what goes for Sameh Habeeb can safely be said to go for Peter Eyre, his close associate on Palestine Telegraph.
As Habibi describes Habeeb below:Sameh Habeeb is also the hate publisher who set up the “Palestine Telegraph” website in early 2009. Let’s recap a few episodes from the record:- Praising Gild Atzmon’s “courageous” new book and ludicrously comparing Atzmon to Salman Rushdie.- Publishing an antisemitic video by former KKK grand wizard David Duke. This proved too much even for Jenny Tonge, who resigned as a patron of the Palestine Telegraph. - Publishing a ridiculous story about Israelis stealing organs in Haiti after the earthquake.- More organ theft poison pieces on Ukraine and Israel. - Running an article claiming that World Wars 1 and 2 were both Jewish plots.- Promotion of Holocaust denier Fredrick Toben.- Running a piece by the racist Khalid “Kikes” Amayreh where he argues the USA is far more evil than Osama Bin Laden.- Marking Holocaust Memorial Day by publishing a revolting Israelis-are-Nazis screed by Gilad Atzmon.
Leaving aside the close connection of the associate of Sameh Habeeb with Peter Eyre, and the appearance of this Peter Eyre so many times as a guest of the radio station Talk Radio Europe, the great strength of the research by Habibi is showing how the British Labour leaders and the British Trade Union leaders are so close to figures like Sameh Habeeb. Also covered by Habibi are the anti-Israel positions of a man who is actually Jewish, Kaufman, who is much hated by my many Jewish friends in Israel. This raises the most serious issue of Jews who are actually Jew Haters and who do such damage on the international scene to Israel. 4international is committed to paying much attention to these Jew Haters.
Sameh Habeeb and Labour
Sameh Habeeb was one of the promoters of the Palestinian Return Centre’s UK tour of Norman Finkelstein.
Habeeb has worked for the Hamasniks of the Centre for some time now. Memorably, he invoked “Frankstineine”, as he called Finkelstein, as a Jewish fig leaf in 2009 when people criticised the PRC for inviting the Hungarian neo-fascist Krisztina Morvai to one of its London conferences.
Here they are at a PRC event in 2009.

Sameh Habeeb is also the hate publisher who set up the “Palestine Telegraph” website in early 2009. Let’s recap a few episodes from the record:
- Praising Gild Atzmon’s “courageous” new book and ludicrously comparing Atzmon to Salman Rushdie.
- Publishing an antisemitic video by former KKK grand wizard David Duke. This proved too much even for Jenny Tonge, who resigned as a patron of the Palestine Telegraph.
- Publishing a ridiculous story about Israelis stealing organs in Haiti after the earthquake.
- More organ theft poison pieces on Ukraine and Israel.
- Running an article claiming that World Wars 1 and 2 were both Jewish plots.
- Promotion of Holocaust denier Fredrick Toben.
- Running a piece by the racist Khalid “Kikes” Amayreh where he argues the USA is far more evil than Osama Bin Laden.
- Marking Holocaust Memorial Day by publishing a revolting Israelis-are-Nazis screed by Gilad Atzmon.
- Threatening legal action against “Nothing British About the BNP” when it criticised Habeeb for his role in inviting Krisztina Morvai to a London conference of the PRC.
- Publishing another Israelis-are-Nazis slur and an absurd terrorism denial piece by Mahboob Khawaja. No wonder Khawaja engages in terrorism denial: his own son, Mohammed Momin Khawaja, was convicted in 2009 of taking part in the UK fertiliser bomb plot.
It’s no surprise to find Finkelstein mixing with Habeeb. Or to see Stephen Sizer recommending the Palestine Telegraph. Others, one must hope, will see Habeeb for the horrible extremist that he is and steer well clear.
Labour has, er, not done very well there. Here’s Habeeb with some of the usual suspects.
Jeremy Corbyn, at a PSC meeting:

Martin Linton, at a meeting in Parliament:

Andy Slaughter was at that Parliamentary meeting too:

Here’s former Labour MP Neil Gerrard with Habeeb and a PSC group outside Parliament:

At a demonstration with Linton’s wife Sara Apps, a PSC activist, while carrying “Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East” placards:

In this demonstration picture you see Tom Charles (second from right). He is an organiser for Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East.

That’s bad enough. But it goes higher. Here is Habeeb with Ken Livingstone at another PSC meeting:

And Ed Miliband at a Fabian Society event:

Note the repeated appearance of the PSC in these events. This is yet more evidence that the group just can’t get enough of extremists.
That show too goes on. Three Labour MPs will welcome a PSC delegation to Parliament later this month.

Sir Gerald Kaufman having a fine old time with Hamas. The man to Haniyeh’s left is Majed Al-Zeer, the general director of the Palestinian Return Centre.

Habeeb has worked for the Hamasniks of the Centre for some time now. Memorably, he invoked “Frankstineine”, as he called Finkelstein, as a Jewish fig leaf in 2009 when people criticised the PRC for inviting the Hungarian neo-fascist Krisztina Morvai to one of its London conferences.
Here they are at a PRC event in 2009.
Sameh Habeeb is also the hate publisher who set up the “Palestine Telegraph” website in early 2009. Let’s recap a few episodes from the record:
- Praising Gild Atzmon’s “courageous” new book and ludicrously comparing Atzmon to Salman Rushdie.
- Publishing an antisemitic video by former KKK grand wizard David Duke. This proved too much even for Jenny Tonge, who resigned as a patron of the Palestine Telegraph.
- Publishing a ridiculous story about Israelis stealing organs in Haiti after the earthquake.
- More organ theft poison pieces on Ukraine and Israel.
- Running an article claiming that World Wars 1 and 2 were both Jewish plots.
- Promotion of Holocaust denier Fredrick Toben.
- Running a piece by the racist Khalid “Kikes” Amayreh where he argues the USA is far more evil than Osama Bin Laden.
- Marking Holocaust Memorial Day by publishing a revolting Israelis-are-Nazis screed by Gilad Atzmon.
- Threatening legal action against “Nothing British About the BNP” when it criticised Habeeb for his role in inviting Krisztina Morvai to a London conference of the PRC.
- Publishing another Israelis-are-Nazis slur and an absurd terrorism denial piece by Mahboob Khawaja. No wonder Khawaja engages in terrorism denial: his own son, Mohammed Momin Khawaja, was convicted in 2009 of taking part in the UK fertiliser bomb plot.
It’s no surprise to find Finkelstein mixing with Habeeb. Or to see Stephen Sizer recommending the Palestine Telegraph. Others, one must hope, will see Habeeb for the horrible extremist that he is and steer well clear.
Labour has, er, not done very well there. Here’s Habeeb with some of the usual suspects.
Jeremy Corbyn, at a PSC meeting:
Martin Linton, at a meeting in Parliament:
Andy Slaughter was at that Parliamentary meeting too:
Here’s former Labour MP Neil Gerrard with Habeeb and a PSC group outside Parliament:
At a demonstration with Linton’s wife Sara Apps, a PSC activist, while carrying “Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East” placards:
In this demonstration picture you see Tom Charles (second from right). He is an organiser for Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East.
That’s bad enough. But it goes higher. Here is Habeeb with Ken Livingstone at another PSC meeting:
And Ed Miliband at a Fabian Society event:
Note the repeated appearance of the PSC in these events. This is yet more evidence that the group just can’t get enough of extremists.
That show too goes on. Three Labour MPs will welcome a PSC delegation to Parliament later this month.
Sir Gerald Kaufman having a fine old time with Hamas. The man to Haniyeh’s left is Majed Al-Zeer, the general director of the Palestinian Return Centre.
A series of comments to the above:
““But……..but……we are now repeatedly assured in these comments that modern anti-Semitism is a creation of the” Right, “only the” Right “and nothing but the” Right.
Shurely shome mishtake??”
Shurely, you see those can’t possibly be Labour MPs standing shoulder to shoulder with these Hamas terrorists and their shills such as this Habeeb jew hating asshole.
And what’s this!!!
The Leader of the LABOUR party standing with this ardent supporter and propagandist of the Islamic theocratic fascist terrorist group Hamas.
If that was a Tory party leader would they too get the “stare at your shoes” treatment?
The Leader of the Labour Party is posing for a picture with a proven supporter of the Hamas terrorist group and proven supporter of virulent anti Semites.
No no no, that’s not a back bencher wearing a milliband mask, you can’t dismiss this as being just another insignificant Hamas loving “eccentric” labour MP being typically far leftist.
That’s the LEADER of you party!!
Some come on, let’s hear it, let’s hear the explanation.”
(Second Comment)
The aspect of this post that has not featured in previous posts is the blurring between PSC on the one hand and the Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East on the other.
(Comment 3)
Is that Fiona Edwards with Habeeb and Livingstone? Might not be. But if so, she is further left than SWP. What is Livingstone doing with her? Thought she was Galloway aligned.
(Comment 4)
If some Jews themselves support Hamas and other semi-hamas support groups, when can’t others like Ed Milliband and Kenny boy? And look at Gerald Kaufman, doesn’t he look dandy with keffiyeh draped over his shoulders.
In the land of the blind…
(Comment 5)
Wasn’t it Martin Linton who set up Labour Friends of Palestine & the Middle East?