I knew it would come but I did not reckon quite so quickly. This is amazing and depressing. Read this by Lee Kaplan. (Read www.israpundit.com)
A UC Berkeley professor joins with the LA Times to blame Israel for Hamas victory
By Lee Kaplan
The late Palestinian-American professor Edward Said, the father of Palestinian academic nonsense on US college campus, once said, “Facts don’t matter, only emotions matter. Write your own history.”
An apt pupil of this school of thought, Beshara Doumani, the professor of Middle East studies at UC Berkeley, writes in the LA Times today that the Hamas victory in the Palestinian Authority was engineered by Israel.
There must be some logic or validity to such a premise for the LA Times to run such an opinion, right? After all, a college professor, a PhD in middle east history no less, wrote it.
Such a premise, of course, should come as no surprise from a UC Berkeley middle east studies professor who comes from a campus known for its embracing anti-Israel causes, no matter how ridiculous. Doumani’s associate, Professor Hatem Bazian, once called for an Intifada in America, Hamas-style.According to Doumani, “The mantra ‘there is no partner for peace’ has been an ironclad law of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians since the days of the British Mandate ” and “It wasn't really Hamas that eviscerated Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah in the elections. It was the Israeli governments that engineered the failure of the "peace process" to produce fruit, and the Fatah leadership's gluttony that blinded them to the consequences of their own failures. Still, the Hamas victory will make it much easier for Israel to sell the "no partner for peace" line.”
Doumani of course relies on his readers being just as ignorant of history as the editors at the LA Times. He ignores the “three No’s” of the Arab world since 1967: no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with it as he blames Israel for a Hamas win.
The LA Times considers Doumani’s article a valid opinion article because of the author’s background as an “academic.” (I will await similar on the Irish media scene)The fact that Israel did not want to allow Hamas to run somehow escaped the history professor’s fact book. The fact that Israel gave up half the territory under its control, brought Arafat out of exile in Tunis, and provided 70% of the funding to help the PLO create a new state to bring about a peace settlement, only to become the victim of over 25,000 relentless terrorist attacks for thirteen years, is of no importance to a historian like Doumani who also teaches at a university where one course taught in the past that Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America, Muslims did it.
Such an article by Doumani illustrates how the educational standards of the Muslim world have crept into American society. One could not create a more Orwellian manner of discussing current events in the Middle East than the LA Times does by even just giving space to Doumani’s nonsense.
Israel was opposed to Hamas running in the election because it is a terrorist group-period. The US State Department insisted Hamas be allowed to do it. Hamas won. Like Abraham Lincoln said, you can’t fool all the people all the time. That is, unless they read the LA Times where an Arab professor might have a shot at trying to do so.
And history professor Doumani does a good job as he continues with the Edward Said rant of appealing to emotions over facts: “After Oslo, the daily life of Palestinians in the occupied territories has deteriorated to almost subhuman levels, largely because of Israeli policies. The best that people hope for is to keep their heads above water and pray that their society will not suffer a complete collapse. At times like these, people turn to God and to each other. Hamas has helped them to do both, and it has something to show for it.”
Now, that’s a mouthful of words where in one fell swoop he faults Israel for Hamas’ win then praises the same terrorist group that refuses to make peace with Israel for saving the Palestinian people and reinforcing their mutual self-concern and love of God.
I just came back from the West Bank last June and if Americans only saw the villas and luxury homes going up in Ramallah and the West Bank, funded in part by their USAID tax dollars, they’d be frothing at the mouth. I certainly was. (This is amazing. This is so much against all we have heard about the disposssessed Palestinians. I have asked Israpundit to try to get photographs)
With foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority running one billion dollars a year from the EU and USA, the 3.2 million Palestinians just can’t seem to get down to building a civil society. Maybe they should sell a few guns or bombs, because that’s where their money goes. The votes for Hamas are because of a culture that has been nurtured in the Arab world that always blames “the other” for mistakes made. In this case, that “other” is Israel and the United States.
It’s about time people in America wake up to what is passing as the new intelligentsia exported from the totalitarian Arab world to the classrooms and colleges in the United States. Doumani should not even have been given the time of day by the LA Times, a newspaper that chose instead to give exposure by a terrorism apologist to an audience of millions so he could try to and pass off the same tired line of the PLO: Israel’s existence is the fault for everything.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
I just cannot wait to see what Mick Hall and Anthony McIntyre and all those wizened old Irish reactionary neolefts will say about the election. Gone forever is their great big lie about the Palestinian movement having a secular aspect, it now has more or less a 100 per cent Jihadist aspect.
Jerry Gordon on Israpundit extracted this comment from a young Palestinian voter on the streets of Gaza from the Washington Times:
“"We're telling people Islam is the solution," said Radi Johar, 29, who was passing out Hamas candidate pamphlets in the dirt street outside a crowded polling station. "We are victorious, whether we win or not, since we are raising the flag of Islam."
Jerry added this comment to the above:
“If I were Christian Hannan Ashwari of the vanquished Third Way Party and Victor Batarseh-the Marxist Christian mayor of Bethlehem-he ran on the Hamas municipal party list, I would "high tail" it for their respective Diasporas. After all Hamas intends to impose an Islamic "jizyeh" or hush money tax for being a dhimmi-a fourth class unbeliever in Islamist Palestine. The less than 3 percent of the Palestinians who are Christians will doubtless depart for good, if they are smart.The "dream" of a secular Arab state is over in Palestine.”
In the last 24 hours before polling Bush and the State Department frantically pumped 2 million dollars into Fatah but the wheels had already come off by then.
Jerry Gordon had been involved in a talk show in America and he reports these comments which he made. They are revealing:
“The Hamas victory was the latest in a string of "jihadist" victories across what passes for the electoral map in the Middle East among both Sunni and Shia dominated states. I cited the significant presence of the Moslem Brotherhood in the new Egyptian parliament-whose "genes" provided the push for Hamas in the Palestinian territiories; Lebanon where Shia Hezbolleh "won" a significant presence in their parliament and control all of south Lebanon; the Shia Islamist dominance in the recent Iraq elections and even the "election" of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the lunatic apoclyptic Mahdist in Tehran engaged in missile and nuclear weapoins developments.I expressed the view that the Hamas "victory," as some are calling it this morning, was also a rejection of a corrupt secular regime, propped up by billions of Euros and dollars of support from the EU, UN and the US. Hamas's program of providing social welfare and communal services with one hand and jihad hate with the other eroded any vestige of secular democracy in the face of Fatah corruption-a corruption seized by the late Arafat and his klepto cronies among them weakened Abu Mazan or Mahmoud Abbas. I pointed out that Mahmoud Abbas had promised to resign a few days prior to these Palestinian legislative elections, and I suggested that perhaps he should. He has all but done that today by inivting Hamas to form a partnership in a new government.Prior to this mornings announced "debacle," we had the US State Department desperately throwing $2.0 million to support last minute electioneering by kleptocratic Fatah. Then we had the Israelis permitting televized and radio interviews with the "young leader" of Fatah, Marwan Baghouti serving five consecutive life terms for murder in an Israeli jail. Dr. Rice must have arm twisted the Kadimah Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livini and acting PM Ehud Olmert for that last minute "endorsement." I also pointed out the comments of US Ambassador to Israel Dick Jones at the Herziliyah conference earlier this week, that the US would "deal" with the Palestininan National Administration but not terrorist elements. Sure, and pigs fly. I cynically pointed out that our government was dealing with the government of Lebanon next door which had a large Hezbolleh presence.”
Of course the US and the EU will deal with Hamas. It now looks more and more that they are the creature of the US State Department, from Syria, to Hamas and Fatah in “Palestine”, to the Islamist clergy in Iraq and even in Iran where the US and EU were behind then British Foreign Minister Robin Cooke’s plans to “talk” to the Iranian Mullahs, ie talk them out of the bomb. And you know where that got them, they got Ahmadinejad!
Jerry Gordon on Israpundit extracted this comment from a young Palestinian voter on the streets of Gaza from the Washington Times:
“"We're telling people Islam is the solution," said Radi Johar, 29, who was passing out Hamas candidate pamphlets in the dirt street outside a crowded polling station. "We are victorious, whether we win or not, since we are raising the flag of Islam."
Jerry added this comment to the above:
“If I were Christian Hannan Ashwari of the vanquished Third Way Party and Victor Batarseh-the Marxist Christian mayor of Bethlehem-he ran on the Hamas municipal party list, I would "high tail" it for their respective Diasporas. After all Hamas intends to impose an Islamic "jizyeh" or hush money tax for being a dhimmi-a fourth class unbeliever in Islamist Palestine. The less than 3 percent of the Palestinians who are Christians will doubtless depart for good, if they are smart.The "dream" of a secular Arab state is over in Palestine.”
In the last 24 hours before polling Bush and the State Department frantically pumped 2 million dollars into Fatah but the wheels had already come off by then.
Jerry Gordon had been involved in a talk show in America and he reports these comments which he made. They are revealing:
“The Hamas victory was the latest in a string of "jihadist" victories across what passes for the electoral map in the Middle East among both Sunni and Shia dominated states. I cited the significant presence of the Moslem Brotherhood in the new Egyptian parliament-whose "genes" provided the push for Hamas in the Palestinian territiories; Lebanon where Shia Hezbolleh "won" a significant presence in their parliament and control all of south Lebanon; the Shia Islamist dominance in the recent Iraq elections and even the "election" of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the lunatic apoclyptic Mahdist in Tehran engaged in missile and nuclear weapoins developments.I expressed the view that the Hamas "victory," as some are calling it this morning, was also a rejection of a corrupt secular regime, propped up by billions of Euros and dollars of support from the EU, UN and the US. Hamas's program of providing social welfare and communal services with one hand and jihad hate with the other eroded any vestige of secular democracy in the face of Fatah corruption-a corruption seized by the late Arafat and his klepto cronies among them weakened Abu Mazan or Mahmoud Abbas. I pointed out that Mahmoud Abbas had promised to resign a few days prior to these Palestinian legislative elections, and I suggested that perhaps he should. He has all but done that today by inivting Hamas to form a partnership in a new government.Prior to this mornings announced "debacle," we had the US State Department desperately throwing $2.0 million to support last minute electioneering by kleptocratic Fatah. Then we had the Israelis permitting televized and radio interviews with the "young leader" of Fatah, Marwan Baghouti serving five consecutive life terms for murder in an Israeli jail. Dr. Rice must have arm twisted the Kadimah Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livini and acting PM Ehud Olmert for that last minute "endorsement." I also pointed out the comments of US Ambassador to Israel Dick Jones at the Herziliyah conference earlier this week, that the US would "deal" with the Palestininan National Administration but not terrorist elements. Sure, and pigs fly. I cynically pointed out that our government was dealing with the government of Lebanon next door which had a large Hezbolleh presence.”
Of course the US and the EU will deal with Hamas. It now looks more and more that they are the creature of the US State Department, from Syria, to Hamas and Fatah in “Palestine”, to the Islamist clergy in Iraq and even in Iran where the US and EU were behind then British Foreign Minister Robin Cooke’s plans to “talk” to the Iranian Mullahs, ie talk them out of the bomb. And you know where that got them, they got Ahmadinejad!
In an article on FrontpageMag.com David Horowitz has an article which pinpoints the Nazi roots of the Palestinian Arabs.
“He calls it The First Terrorist People:
“The Palestinian Nazi Party has won the elections. This is a party, Hamas, that calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state (in so many words) and the killing of Jews because they are Jews (in so many words), and cites the Koranic damnation of Jews and incitement to murder Jews in justification. Hamas is a party of Islamic fanatics who are part of the global jihad against the United States and the West, whose hero is Osama bin Laden. Hamas was the biggest foreign supporter of Saddam Hussein. With this vote in record numbers, the Palestinian people have joined en masse the Axis of Evil. They are the self-declared enemies of Jews, of America and of civilized values, and should be treated as such. The Palestinians have declared with this vote they want no peace. They should be given none.
The defeated Fatah Party -- the "moderate" party -- is of course the creation of the terrorist Yassir Arafat. Its official charter calls for the destruction of Israel and its leadership has been dedicated to terror since the the PLO was created by the dictator Nasser and the KGB in 1964. Its leader Mahmoud Abbas is a Holocaust denier and the financier of the kidnapping and execution of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich in 1972, and Arafat's ally in terror for the duration since.
But then the father of Palestinian nationalism himself is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini a fanatical devotee of Adolf Hitler who served the Nazi cause in Berlin during the Second World War and infused Palestinian nationalism with the Jew-hatred that has dominated it ever since.
The Palestinians are the first people in the history of humanity to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life. Palestinian schools train kindergarteners and first graders to aspire to murder innocent Jews by blowing themselves up alongside them, and then tell the children that if they're lucky enough to have male genitalia they will go to heaven and be rewarded with 72 virgins to attend their every whim. Palestinian parents murder their own children by telling them to kill Jewish children so that Allah can receive them. This is the sickest culture on the face of the earth, and the fact that it is supported by secular leftists in Europe and America reveals the terminal sickness, as well, of those who crusade in the name of "social justice."
Horowitz pinpoints Arab Palestinian self-hatred as a major item in their make up and explains why:
“The Palestinian Nazi Party has won the elections. This is a party, Hamas, that calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state (in so many words) and the killing of Jews because they are Jews (in so many words), and cites the Koranic damnation of Jews and incitement to murder Jews in justification. Hamas is a party of Islamic fanatics who are part of the global jihad against the United States and the West, whose hero is Osama bin Laden. Hamas was the biggest foreign supporter of Saddam Hussein. With this vote in record numbers, the Palestinian people have joined en masse the Axis of Evil. They are the self-declared enemies of Jews, of America and of civilized values, and should be treated as such. The Palestinians have declared with this vote they want no peace. They should be given none.
The defeated Fatah Party -- the "moderate" party -- is of course the creation of the terrorist Yassir Arafat. Its official charter calls for the destruction of Israel and its leadership has been dedicated to terror since the the PLO was created by the dictator Nasser and the KGB in 1964. Its leader Mahmoud Abbas is a Holocaust denier and the financier of the kidnapping and execution of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich in 1972, and Arafat's ally in terror for the duration since.
(Here Horowitz makes a most important connection to the Nazi Palestinian criminal Hajj Amin el Husseini who still inspires the Palestinian movement)
But then the father of Palestinian nationalism himself is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini a fanatical devotee of Adolf Hitler who served the Nazi cause in Berlin during the Second World War and infused Palestinian nationalism with the Jew-hatred that has dominated it ever since.
The Palestinians are the first people in the history of humanity to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life. Palestinian schools train kindergarteners and first graders to aspire to murder innocent Jews by blowing themselves up alongside them, and then tell the children that if they're lucky enough to have male genitalia they will go to heaven and be rewarded with 72 virgins to attend their every whim. Palestinian parents murder their own children by telling them to kill Jewish children so that Allah can receive them. This is the sickest culture on the face of the earth, and the fact that it is supported by secular leftists in Europe and America reveals the terminal sickness, as well, of those who crusade in the name of "social justice."
At the core of this sickness is a hatred for the West and Israel for the crimes of being successful, democratic and tolerant. And at the core of that sickness is self-hatred. Self-hatred for the 1,000 year failure of Arab Muslim culture to compete with the West and for the absolute bankruptcy of the Palestinian cause -- despite billions and billions of dollars poured into the West Bank and Gaza by Europe, Israel and the United States whose sole purpose was to help this people consumed in their own emotional poisons. The money of course was stolen in transit by their corrupt and homicidal leaders who buried their loot in Swiss bank accounts or used it to buy weapons of mass murder, and to spread destruction, which is the only contribution that the Arabs of the Palestinian mandate have made to the world since their national aspirations were first announced half a century ago.
At the core of this sickness is a hatred for the West and Israel for the crimes of being successful, democratic and tolerant. And at the core of that sickness is self-hatred. Self-hatred for the 1,000 year failure of Arab Muslim culture to compete with the West and for the absolute bankruptcy of the Palestinian cause -- despite billions and billions of dollars poured into the West Bank and Gaza by Europe, Israel and the United States whose sole purpose was to help this people consumed in their own emotional poisons. The money of course was stolen in transit by their corrupt and homicidal leaders who buried their loot in Swiss bank accounts or used it to buy weapons of mass murder, and to spread destruction, which is the only contribution that the Arabs of the Palestinian mandate have made to the world since their national aspirations were first announced half a century ago.”
“He calls it The First Terrorist People:
“The Palestinian Nazi Party has won the elections. This is a party, Hamas, that calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state (in so many words) and the killing of Jews because they are Jews (in so many words), and cites the Koranic damnation of Jews and incitement to murder Jews in justification. Hamas is a party of Islamic fanatics who are part of the global jihad against the United States and the West, whose hero is Osama bin Laden. Hamas was the biggest foreign supporter of Saddam Hussein. With this vote in record numbers, the Palestinian people have joined en masse the Axis of Evil. They are the self-declared enemies of Jews, of America and of civilized values, and should be treated as such. The Palestinians have declared with this vote they want no peace. They should be given none.
The defeated Fatah Party -- the "moderate" party -- is of course the creation of the terrorist Yassir Arafat. Its official charter calls for the destruction of Israel and its leadership has been dedicated to terror since the the PLO was created by the dictator Nasser and the KGB in 1964. Its leader Mahmoud Abbas is a Holocaust denier and the financier of the kidnapping and execution of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich in 1972, and Arafat's ally in terror for the duration since.
But then the father of Palestinian nationalism himself is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini a fanatical devotee of Adolf Hitler who served the Nazi cause in Berlin during the Second World War and infused Palestinian nationalism with the Jew-hatred that has dominated it ever since.
The Palestinians are the first people in the history of humanity to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life. Palestinian schools train kindergarteners and first graders to aspire to murder innocent Jews by blowing themselves up alongside them, and then tell the children that if they're lucky enough to have male genitalia they will go to heaven and be rewarded with 72 virgins to attend their every whim. Palestinian parents murder their own children by telling them to kill Jewish children so that Allah can receive them. This is the sickest culture on the face of the earth, and the fact that it is supported by secular leftists in Europe and America reveals the terminal sickness, as well, of those who crusade in the name of "social justice."
Horowitz pinpoints Arab Palestinian self-hatred as a major item in their make up and explains why:
“The Palestinian Nazi Party has won the elections. This is a party, Hamas, that calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state (in so many words) and the killing of Jews because they are Jews (in so many words), and cites the Koranic damnation of Jews and incitement to murder Jews in justification. Hamas is a party of Islamic fanatics who are part of the global jihad against the United States and the West, whose hero is Osama bin Laden. Hamas was the biggest foreign supporter of Saddam Hussein. With this vote in record numbers, the Palestinian people have joined en masse the Axis of Evil. They are the self-declared enemies of Jews, of America and of civilized values, and should be treated as such. The Palestinians have declared with this vote they want no peace. They should be given none.
The defeated Fatah Party -- the "moderate" party -- is of course the creation of the terrorist Yassir Arafat. Its official charter calls for the destruction of Israel and its leadership has been dedicated to terror since the the PLO was created by the dictator Nasser and the KGB in 1964. Its leader Mahmoud Abbas is a Holocaust denier and the financier of the kidnapping and execution of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich in 1972, and Arafat's ally in terror for the duration since.
(Here Horowitz makes a most important connection to the Nazi Palestinian criminal Hajj Amin el Husseini who still inspires the Palestinian movement)
But then the father of Palestinian nationalism himself is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini a fanatical devotee of Adolf Hitler who served the Nazi cause in Berlin during the Second World War and infused Palestinian nationalism with the Jew-hatred that has dominated it ever since.
The Palestinians are the first people in the history of humanity to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life. Palestinian schools train kindergarteners and first graders to aspire to murder innocent Jews by blowing themselves up alongside them, and then tell the children that if they're lucky enough to have male genitalia they will go to heaven and be rewarded with 72 virgins to attend their every whim. Palestinian parents murder their own children by telling them to kill Jewish children so that Allah can receive them. This is the sickest culture on the face of the earth, and the fact that it is supported by secular leftists in Europe and America reveals the terminal sickness, as well, of those who crusade in the name of "social justice."
At the core of this sickness is a hatred for the West and Israel for the crimes of being successful, democratic and tolerant. And at the core of that sickness is self-hatred. Self-hatred for the 1,000 year failure of Arab Muslim culture to compete with the West and for the absolute bankruptcy of the Palestinian cause -- despite billions and billions of dollars poured into the West Bank and Gaza by Europe, Israel and the United States whose sole purpose was to help this people consumed in their own emotional poisons. The money of course was stolen in transit by their corrupt and homicidal leaders who buried their loot in Swiss bank accounts or used it to buy weapons of mass murder, and to spread destruction, which is the only contribution that the Arabs of the Palestinian mandate have made to the world since their national aspirations were first announced half a century ago.
At the core of this sickness is a hatred for the West and Israel for the crimes of being successful, democratic and tolerant. And at the core of that sickness is self-hatred. Self-hatred for the 1,000 year failure of Arab Muslim culture to compete with the West and for the absolute bankruptcy of the Palestinian cause -- despite billions and billions of dollars poured into the West Bank and Gaza by Europe, Israel and the United States whose sole purpose was to help this people consumed in their own emotional poisons. The money of course was stolen in transit by their corrupt and homicidal leaders who buried their loot in Swiss bank accounts or used it to buy weapons of mass murder, and to spread destruction, which is the only contribution that the Arabs of the Palestinian mandate have made to the world since their national aspirations were first announced half a century ago.”
Gary Bauer’s Comment Applies to Ireland
Gary Bauer has pinpointed the main issue in the Hamas win. If a Palestinian state is SUCH a state why would anybody now support it being set up to plague Israel and the rest of the world?
“The Palestinian Nazi Party has won the elections. This is a party, Hamas, that calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state (in so many words) and the killing of Jews because they are Jews (in so many words), and cites the Koranic damnation of Jews and incitement to murder Jews in justification. Hamas is a party of Islamic fanatics who are part of the global jihad against the United States and the West, whose hero is Osama bin Laden. Hamas was the biggest foreign supporter of Saddam Hussein. With this vote in record numbers, the Palestinian people have joined en masse the Axis of Evil. They are the self-declared enemies of Jews, of America and of civilized values, and should be treated as such. The Palestinians have declared with this vote they want no peace. They should be given none.
The defeated Fatah Party -- the "moderate" party -- is of course the creation of the terrorist Yassir Arafat. Its official charter calls for the destruction of Israel and its leadership has been dedicated to terror since the the PLO was created by the dictator Nasser and the KGB in 1964. Its leader Mahmoud Abbas is a Holocaust denier and the financier of the kidnapping and execution of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich in 1972, and Arafat's ally in terror for the duration since.
But then the father of Palestinian nationalism himself is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini a fanatical devotee of Adolf Hitler who served the Nazi cause in Berlin during the Second World War and infused Palestinian nationalism with the Jew-hatred that has dominated it ever since.
The Palestinians are the first people in the history of humanity to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life. Palestinian schools train kindergarteners and first graders to aspire to murder innocent Jews by blowing themselves up alongside them, and then tell the children that if they're lucky enough to have male genitalia they will go to heaven and be rewarded with 72 virgins to attend their every whim. Palestinian parents murder their own children by telling them to kill Jewish children so that Allah can receive them. This is the sickest culture on the face of the earth, and the fact that it is supported by secular leftists in Europe and America reveals the terminal sickness, as well, of those who crusade in the name of "social justice."
At the core of this sickness is a hatred for the West and Israel for the crimes of being successful, democratic and tolerant. And at the core of that sickness is self-hatred. Self-hatred for the 1,000 year failure of Arab Muslim culture to compete with the West and for the absolute bankruptcy of the Palestinian cause -- despite billions and billions of dollars poured into the West Bank and Gaza by Europe, Israel and the United States whose sole purpose was to help this people consumed in their own emotional poisons. The money of course was stolen in transit by their corrupt and homicidal leaders who buried their loot in Swiss bank accounts or used it to buy weapons of mass murder, and to spread destruction, which is the only contribution that the Arabs of the Palestinian mandate have made to the world since their national aspirations were first announced half a century ago.”
Step up to the board all you Palestine lovers in Ireland and tell us where you stand NOW!!!
Gary Bauer has pinpointed the main issue in the Hamas win. If a Palestinian state is SUCH a state why would anybody now support it being set up to plague Israel and the rest of the world?
“The Palestinian Nazi Party has won the elections. This is a party, Hamas, that calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state (in so many words) and the killing of Jews because they are Jews (in so many words), and cites the Koranic damnation of Jews and incitement to murder Jews in justification. Hamas is a party of Islamic fanatics who are part of the global jihad against the United States and the West, whose hero is Osama bin Laden. Hamas was the biggest foreign supporter of Saddam Hussein. With this vote in record numbers, the Palestinian people have joined en masse the Axis of Evil. They are the self-declared enemies of Jews, of America and of civilized values, and should be treated as such. The Palestinians have declared with this vote they want no peace. They should be given none.
The defeated Fatah Party -- the "moderate" party -- is of course the creation of the terrorist Yassir Arafat. Its official charter calls for the destruction of Israel and its leadership has been dedicated to terror since the the PLO was created by the dictator Nasser and the KGB in 1964. Its leader Mahmoud Abbas is a Holocaust denier and the financier of the kidnapping and execution of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich in 1972, and Arafat's ally in terror for the duration since.
But then the father of Palestinian nationalism himself is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini a fanatical devotee of Adolf Hitler who served the Nazi cause in Berlin during the Second World War and infused Palestinian nationalism with the Jew-hatred that has dominated it ever since.
The Palestinians are the first people in the history of humanity to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life. Palestinian schools train kindergarteners and first graders to aspire to murder innocent Jews by blowing themselves up alongside them, and then tell the children that if they're lucky enough to have male genitalia they will go to heaven and be rewarded with 72 virgins to attend their every whim. Palestinian parents murder their own children by telling them to kill Jewish children so that Allah can receive them. This is the sickest culture on the face of the earth, and the fact that it is supported by secular leftists in Europe and America reveals the terminal sickness, as well, of those who crusade in the name of "social justice."
At the core of this sickness is a hatred for the West and Israel for the crimes of being successful, democratic and tolerant. And at the core of that sickness is self-hatred. Self-hatred for the 1,000 year failure of Arab Muslim culture to compete with the West and for the absolute bankruptcy of the Palestinian cause -- despite billions and billions of dollars poured into the West Bank and Gaza by Europe, Israel and the United States whose sole purpose was to help this people consumed in their own emotional poisons. The money of course was stolen in transit by their corrupt and homicidal leaders who buried their loot in Swiss bank accounts or used it to buy weapons of mass murder, and to spread destruction, which is the only contribution that the Arabs of the Palestinian mandate have made to the world since their national aspirations were first announced half a century ago.”
Step up to the board all you Palestine lovers in Ireland and tell us where you stand NOW!!!
AJC on the Hamas Win
The election of Hamas in the recent Palestine elections has opened up a situation in Ireland where none of the pro-Palestinian groups can hide any more. Well, they will of course try. I will deal with the Irish media and the Irish blogs and their response or non-response in a few days. In that regard please consider the statement by the American Jewish Congress of January 26, 2006-01-28
“Executive Director Neil B. Goldstein issued the following statement:
During the Palestinian election campaign, Hamas promised that, if elected, it would do better providing services to the Palestinian people than the corrupt Fatah leadership that, heretofore, had used available funds to line its own pockets. At the same time Hamas continued to call for the destruction of Israel and threatened to resume the Palestinian campaign of terrorism following the election. One half of the Hamas platform cannot be separated from the other; by choosing the party that, so to speak, promised to do a better job “making the trains run on time,” the Palestinian people also have acquiesced to Hamas’ campaign of evil.
By choosing Hamas, the Palestinians have punctured the myth that they have elected leaders who reject terrorism – a fundamental requirement of the Roadmap for Peace. Furthermore, by choosing Hamas, the Palestinians have ended the charade that there is a partner with the will and with the authority to negotiate a bona fide peace settlement with Israel. President Bush is absolutely correct in saying today, that Hamas is not a partner for peace.
There are some who retain the illusion that, now that Hamas is part of the political process, it will moderate and support peace with Israel – much in the same way that Fatah, the dominant party in the PLO, did so. Those who hold to this vain hope misread history and ignore the differences between the PLO and Hamas. First of all, in the end, Fatah and the PLO never fully supported peace. At the final hour Yassir Arafat was unwilling to conclude an end to hostilities and make peace with Israel. Today, while the leadership of Fatah is nominally in favor of peace, its President, Mahmoud Abbas, has refused to put an end to terrorism, and many of its factions (the Al-Aqsa Brigades and Fatah Hawks among them) are terrorist. Second, while the Fatah and PLO leadership benefited by moderating their stands and agreeing to be part of the Oslo peace process by being granted the right to return from exile in Tunisia, Hamas would derive no such benefit. To the contrary, the Hamas leadership is convinced that it is the tool of terrorism that has given them the capacity to throw Israel out of Gaza and that makes them a potent force.
The American Jewish Congress is a membership association of Jewish Americans, organized to defend Jewish interests at home and abroad, through public policy advocacy, in the courts, Congress, the executive branch and state and local governments. It also works overseas with others who are similarly engaged.”
When the above statement appeared on Israpundit Bill Levinson who is a regular there made the following comment:
“I have said for quite some time that most Palestinians are not capable of governing themselves and that an independent Palestinian state would be William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," starring adults instead of kids. The fact that a majority of the Palestinians voted for terrorists-- and Hamas is a Foreign Terrorist Organization as defined by the U.S. State Department-- simply proves that I was right.
"At the same time Hamas continued to call for the destruction of Israel and threatened to resume the Palestinian campaign of terrorism following the election" is a prima facie declaration of war on Israel that justifies Israel's instant termination of the phony peace process and outright annexation of all occupied territories. Any Palestinian, and a poll that shows about two-thirds approving of terrorism means most of them, who is unwilling or unable to behave like a civilized human being must then be expelled. To put matters in perspective, what the Palestinians have just done would have been like Israel, upon the day of its independence, declaring a war of annihilation against peaceful Arab neighbors instead of the other way around as it really happened.
“Executive Director Neil B. Goldstein issued the following statement:
During the Palestinian election campaign, Hamas promised that, if elected, it would do better providing services to the Palestinian people than the corrupt Fatah leadership that, heretofore, had used available funds to line its own pockets. At the same time Hamas continued to call for the destruction of Israel and threatened to resume the Palestinian campaign of terrorism following the election. One half of the Hamas platform cannot be separated from the other; by choosing the party that, so to speak, promised to do a better job “making the trains run on time,” the Palestinian people also have acquiesced to Hamas’ campaign of evil.
By choosing Hamas, the Palestinians have punctured the myth that they have elected leaders who reject terrorism – a fundamental requirement of the Roadmap for Peace. Furthermore, by choosing Hamas, the Palestinians have ended the charade that there is a partner with the will and with the authority to negotiate a bona fide peace settlement with Israel. President Bush is absolutely correct in saying today, that Hamas is not a partner for peace.
There are some who retain the illusion that, now that Hamas is part of the political process, it will moderate and support peace with Israel – much in the same way that Fatah, the dominant party in the PLO, did so. Those who hold to this vain hope misread history and ignore the differences between the PLO and Hamas. First of all, in the end, Fatah and the PLO never fully supported peace. At the final hour Yassir Arafat was unwilling to conclude an end to hostilities and make peace with Israel. Today, while the leadership of Fatah is nominally in favor of peace, its President, Mahmoud Abbas, has refused to put an end to terrorism, and many of its factions (the Al-Aqsa Brigades and Fatah Hawks among them) are terrorist. Second, while the Fatah and PLO leadership benefited by moderating their stands and agreeing to be part of the Oslo peace process by being granted the right to return from exile in Tunisia, Hamas would derive no such benefit. To the contrary, the Hamas leadership is convinced that it is the tool of terrorism that has given them the capacity to throw Israel out of Gaza and that makes them a potent force.
The American Jewish Congress is a membership association of Jewish Americans, organized to defend Jewish interests at home and abroad, through public policy advocacy, in the courts, Congress, the executive branch and state and local governments. It also works overseas with others who are similarly engaged.”
When the above statement appeared on Israpundit Bill Levinson who is a regular there made the following comment:
“I have said for quite some time that most Palestinians are not capable of governing themselves and that an independent Palestinian state would be William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," starring adults instead of kids. The fact that a majority of the Palestinians voted for terrorists-- and Hamas is a Foreign Terrorist Organization as defined by the U.S. State Department-- simply proves that I was right.
"At the same time Hamas continued to call for the destruction of Israel and threatened to resume the Palestinian campaign of terrorism following the election" is a prima facie declaration of war on Israel that justifies Israel's instant termination of the phony peace process and outright annexation of all occupied territories. Any Palestinian, and a poll that shows about two-thirds approving of terrorism means most of them, who is unwilling or unable to behave like a civilized human being must then be expelled. To put matters in perspective, what the Palestinians have just done would have been like Israel, upon the day of its independence, declaring a war of annihilation against peaceful Arab neighbors instead of the other way around as it really happened.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
A new Palestinian Arab "ambassador" has been sent to Ireland and he has been given the most uncritical interview possible by an Irish journalist and blogger, Richard Delevan.
Richard Delevan is an American living in Ireland and working as a journalist with at least the Sunday Tribune. He also has got a blog and the blog address I include at the end. He has just done an interview with this “Ambassador” and in the interview he has given the “Ambassador” complete liberty to slander Israel without a single question from Delevan.
This is how Delevan put it:
“Last Friday I was privileged to interview, for nearly 90 minutes, Dr Hikmat Ajjuri, the new Palestinian envoy to Dublin - his first interview with an Irish newspaper. The Sunday Tribune ran a news story derived from the interview, but I found the whole conversation so valuable that I have decided to offer a rough transcript.
I've a rough transcription about half of it here, roughly 4,300 words -- most of which will appear after the "Read More" jump. The rest I'll offer hopefully tomorrow.
I made a decision that I would allow Dr Ajjuri to speak his peace with minimum interruptions. I don't challenge his assertions, even ones with which I may disagree. There are plenty of other opportunities to do so - and if I was conducting this interview in a broadcast environment it would of course be handled differently.
I found Dr Ajjuri to be a warm host, a sincere interlocutor and a compassionate man. I wish him the best for the duration of his mission in Ireland.”
So it is fairly clear where Delevan stands on the issue. I think it is fair to say he is very pro-Palestinian.
Why did Delevan interview this person who calls himself an envoy, nay more an ambassador no less, from the “Palestinians”?
It seems that Delevan considers that there is a real historical people called the Palestinians. By his actions it would appear to me that Delevan supports that Palestinian struggle. He therefore does not define the Palestinian struggle as a terrorist struggle.
The unwritten script here is that the Palestinian struggle is a legitimate struggle.
Delevan does not enter at all into any aspect of the controversy surrounding the Palestinians. Especially that the Palestinian movement was founded by a Nazi war criminal called Hajj Amin el Husseini who also happens to have been a close relative of Palestinian Jew hater supreme Yasser Arafat.
So through the method of this interview Delevan stands on the side of the Palestinian movement.
What exactly is he standing over?
I would say on the graves of Jews and especially on the Jews who died in the Nazi Holocaust.
The Jews who have been persecuted for 2000 years, at least, and who have never given up their dream of returning to their Homeland, Israel, or as the Jews have called it -Yesha, did manage to set up a very small state in 1948.
But the very next day that tiny state was attacked by all the surrounding Arab states in a vicious war of extermination.
Is that description, extermination, overstating it?
Well remember that 1948 was just 3 years since the Nazis were forced to end their extermination of world Jewry. The Nazis from Germany were not alone in this. They were joined certainly by Franco in Spain, by Mussolini in Italy, and of course as we referred to above by most of the Arab states led by Hajj Amin el Husseini.
Hajj Amin played a leading role as a Nazi and he lived in Germany during the Holocaust, having the closest contacts with Hitler. Himmler, Eichmann and all the other Nazi murderers of Jews.
We should ask a simple question. Why did these particular murderers all come together in the period from 1933 to 1945? The answer is fairly straightforward. These murderers were bound together by something they had in common. That was hatred of Jews. It was anti-Semitism which brought them together.
Follow this logic and this story. When Jews set up their tiny state in 1948 the attack came from Nazi led Arab states and the armies were led by the Nazis who were in the leadership of the Holocaust, among whom was that main Arab leader of the time Hajj Amin el Husseini.
Does Delevan deal with any of this historical factual material in his interview with this ambassador person, who after all is following on from el Husseini?
No Delevan does not! He hides it. When the Palestinian refers to the 1948 war , that is lyingly refers to the 1948 war, what does Delevan do? Nothing! He allows the lies to pass. To pass by on their way to the minds of the Irish people!
Let me extract just two other issues to show that Delevan does not do this interview as a real journalist but as a partisan supporter of the Palestinian terrorist Jew-hating movement. There are many possible examples but I will just use two.
Firstly Delevan does not ask the Palestinian person anything about the constitutions of Fatah and of Hamas, both of which set as their aim the destruction, total, of Israel. This is compounded by Palestinian schoolbooks in circulation which on the map of the area does not SHOW Israel AT ALL.
Secondly when Israel at great pain to its own Jews pulled out of Gaza what did the Arabs do? Make plans for a state and peace perhaps? By no means did they do that.
There has been accelerated preparations by the terrorists for war. Rocket attacks on Israel with ever more powerful rockets have been carried out from Gaza. Gaza has become a terrorist launching pad. And Delevan ignores all of that as well.
So in the case of the Delevan interview we are clearly dealing with a very strange kind of journalist, one who gives a platform to a terrorist spokesman and who does not ask any questions to get to the truth.
The same applies to the Sunday Tribune which does its article on the work of a “reporter” like Delevan. Strange reporting that gives a terrorist supporter and a Jew hater the floor, no embarrassing questions asked!
It is an on-going situation.
In this I have not dealt with the meeting of this Palestinian terror supporting envoy with the President of Ireland and with the top Government Ministers.
I mean, no problem! This Arab character arrives and is given full liberty and encouragement to spout anti-Israeli propaganda in Ireland. What the role and attitude of the rest of the Irish media will be remains to be seen, especially what position other Irish bloggers will take towards their fellow blogger Delevan.
The full interview is being published on his site by Delevan which is onhttp://richarddelevan.blogspot.com/
Posted (On Israpundit) by Felix Quigley at January 21, 2006 12:05 PM
TrackBack URL for this entry:http://www.israpundit.com/mt-tb.cgi/12163
Richard Delevan is an American living in Ireland and working as a journalist with at least the Sunday Tribune. He also has got a blog and the blog address I include at the end. He has just done an interview with this “Ambassador” and in the interview he has given the “Ambassador” complete liberty to slander Israel without a single question from Delevan.
This is how Delevan put it:
“Last Friday I was privileged to interview, for nearly 90 minutes, Dr Hikmat Ajjuri, the new Palestinian envoy to Dublin - his first interview with an Irish newspaper. The Sunday Tribune ran a news story derived from the interview, but I found the whole conversation so valuable that I have decided to offer a rough transcript.
I've a rough transcription about half of it here, roughly 4,300 words -- most of which will appear after the "Read More" jump. The rest I'll offer hopefully tomorrow.
I made a decision that I would allow Dr Ajjuri to speak his peace with minimum interruptions. I don't challenge his assertions, even ones with which I may disagree. There are plenty of other opportunities to do so - and if I was conducting this interview in a broadcast environment it would of course be handled differently.
I found Dr Ajjuri to be a warm host, a sincere interlocutor and a compassionate man. I wish him the best for the duration of his mission in Ireland.”
So it is fairly clear where Delevan stands on the issue. I think it is fair to say he is very pro-Palestinian.
Why did Delevan interview this person who calls himself an envoy, nay more an ambassador no less, from the “Palestinians”?
It seems that Delevan considers that there is a real historical people called the Palestinians. By his actions it would appear to me that Delevan supports that Palestinian struggle. He therefore does not define the Palestinian struggle as a terrorist struggle.
The unwritten script here is that the Palestinian struggle is a legitimate struggle.
Delevan does not enter at all into any aspect of the controversy surrounding the Palestinians. Especially that the Palestinian movement was founded by a Nazi war criminal called Hajj Amin el Husseini who also happens to have been a close relative of Palestinian Jew hater supreme Yasser Arafat.
So through the method of this interview Delevan stands on the side of the Palestinian movement.
What exactly is he standing over?
I would say on the graves of Jews and especially on the Jews who died in the Nazi Holocaust.
The Jews who have been persecuted for 2000 years, at least, and who have never given up their dream of returning to their Homeland, Israel, or as the Jews have called it -Yesha, did manage to set up a very small state in 1948.
But the very next day that tiny state was attacked by all the surrounding Arab states in a vicious war of extermination.
Is that description, extermination, overstating it?
Well remember that 1948 was just 3 years since the Nazis were forced to end their extermination of world Jewry. The Nazis from Germany were not alone in this. They were joined certainly by Franco in Spain, by Mussolini in Italy, and of course as we referred to above by most of the Arab states led by Hajj Amin el Husseini.
Hajj Amin played a leading role as a Nazi and he lived in Germany during the Holocaust, having the closest contacts with Hitler. Himmler, Eichmann and all the other Nazi murderers of Jews.
We should ask a simple question. Why did these particular murderers all come together in the period from 1933 to 1945? The answer is fairly straightforward. These murderers were bound together by something they had in common. That was hatred of Jews. It was anti-Semitism which brought them together.
Follow this logic and this story. When Jews set up their tiny state in 1948 the attack came from Nazi led Arab states and the armies were led by the Nazis who were in the leadership of the Holocaust, among whom was that main Arab leader of the time Hajj Amin el Husseini.
Does Delevan deal with any of this historical factual material in his interview with this ambassador person, who after all is following on from el Husseini?
No Delevan does not! He hides it. When the Palestinian refers to the 1948 war , that is lyingly refers to the 1948 war, what does Delevan do? Nothing! He allows the lies to pass. To pass by on their way to the minds of the Irish people!
Let me extract just two other issues to show that Delevan does not do this interview as a real journalist but as a partisan supporter of the Palestinian terrorist Jew-hating movement. There are many possible examples but I will just use two.
Firstly Delevan does not ask the Palestinian person anything about the constitutions of Fatah and of Hamas, both of which set as their aim the destruction, total, of Israel. This is compounded by Palestinian schoolbooks in circulation which on the map of the area does not SHOW Israel AT ALL.
Secondly when Israel at great pain to its own Jews pulled out of Gaza what did the Arabs do? Make plans for a state and peace perhaps? By no means did they do that.
There has been accelerated preparations by the terrorists for war. Rocket attacks on Israel with ever more powerful rockets have been carried out from Gaza. Gaza has become a terrorist launching pad. And Delevan ignores all of that as well.
So in the case of the Delevan interview we are clearly dealing with a very strange kind of journalist, one who gives a platform to a terrorist spokesman and who does not ask any questions to get to the truth.
The same applies to the Sunday Tribune which does its article on the work of a “reporter” like Delevan. Strange reporting that gives a terrorist supporter and a Jew hater the floor, no embarrassing questions asked!
It is an on-going situation.
In this I have not dealt with the meeting of this Palestinian terror supporting envoy with the President of Ireland and with the top Government Ministers.
I mean, no problem! This Arab character arrives and is given full liberty and encouragement to spout anti-Israeli propaganda in Ireland. What the role and attitude of the rest of the Irish media will be remains to be seen, especially what position other Irish bloggers will take towards their fellow blogger Delevan.
The full interview is being published on his site by Delevan which is onhttp://richarddelevan.blogspot.com/
Posted (On Israpundit) by Felix Quigley at January 21, 2006 12:05 PM
TrackBack URL for this entry:http://www.israpundit.com/mt-tb.cgi/12163
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